onsdag den 22. februar 2023

Cookie - Accept or Rejct


Cookie privacy settings on a random website

I unfolded all the vendors list and company and this is all the text I got. Disturbing!.


Privacy Settings

The settings help you to activate and deactivate various tags, trackers, and analysis tools that are used on this website


You give an affirmative action to indicate that we can use your data for this purpose.
CCustom Purposes

Vendors can:

    Store and access information on the device such as cookies and device identifiers presented to a user.

OOther Site Vendors
AOL Inc.
Basis Technologies

Chartbeat, Inc.
View All

To do basic ad selection vendors can:

    Use real-time information about the context in which the ad will be shown, to show the ad, including information about the content and the device, such as: device type and capabilities, user agent, URL, IP address
    Use a user’s non-precise geolocation data
    Control the frequency of ads shown to a user.
    Sequence the order in which ads are shown to a user.
    Prevent an ad from serving in an unsuitable editorial (brand-unsafe) context

Vendors cannot:

    Create a personalised ads profile using this information for the selection of future ads without a separate legal basis to create a personalised ads profile.
    N.B. Non-precise means only an approximate location involving at least a radius of 500 meters is permitted.

OOther Site Vendors
AOL Inc.
Chartbeat, Inc.

View All

To create a personalised ads profile vendors can:

    Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests, demographic information, or location, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalised advertising.
    Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalised advertising.

OOther Site Vendors
AOL Inc.
Basis Technologies

Chartbeat, Inc.
View All

To select personalised ads vendors can:

    Select personalised ads based on a user profile or other historical user data, including a user’s prior activity, interests, visits to sites or apps, location, or demographic information.

OOther Site Vendors
AOL Inc.
Basis Technologies

Chartbeat, Inc.
View All

create a personalised content profile vendors can: * Collect information about a user, including a user's activity, interests, visits to sites or apps, demographic information, or location, to create or edit a user profile for personalising content. * Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps, to create or edit a user profile for use in personalising cont

select personalised content vendors can: * Select personalised content based on a user profile or other historical user data, including a user’s prior activity, interests, visits to sites or apps, location, or demographic informat

measure ad performance vendors can: * Measure whether and how ads were delivered to and interacted with by a user * Provide reporting about ads including their effectiveness and performance * Provide reporting about users who interacted with ads using data observed during the course of the user's interaction with that ad * Provide reporting to publishers about the ads displayed on their property * Measure whether an ad is serving in a suitable editorial environment (brand-safe) context * Determine the percentage of the ad that had the opportunity to be seen and the duration of that opportunity * Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps Vendors cannot: *Apply panel- or similarly-derived audience insights data to ad measurement data without a Legal Basis to apply market research to generate audience insights (Purpos

measure content performance vendors can: * Measure and report on how content was delivered to and interacted with by users. * Provide reporting, using directly measurable or known information, about users who interacted with the content * Combine this information with other information previously collected, including from across websites and apps. Vendors cannot: * Measure whether and how ads (including native ads) were delivered to and interacted with by a user. * Apply panel- or similarly derived audience insights data to ad measurement data without a Legal Basis to apply market research to generate audience insights (Purpos

apply market research to generate audience insights vendors can: * Provide aggregate reporting to advertisers or their representatives about the audiences reached by their ads, through panel-based and similarly derived insights. * Provide aggregate reporting to publishers about the audiences that were served or interacted with content and/or ads on their property by applying panel-based and similarly derived insights. * Associate offline data with an online user for the purposes of market research to generate audience insights if vendors have declared to match and combine offline data sources (Feature 1) * Combine this information with other information previously collected including from across websites and apps. Vendors cannot: * Measure the performance and effectiveness of ads that a specific user was served or interacted with, without a Legal Basis to measure ad performance. * Measure which content a specific user was served and how they interacted with it, without a Legal Basis to measure content performa

develop new products and improve products vendors can: * Use information to improve their existing products with new features and to develop new products * Create new models and algorithms through machine learning Vendors cannot: * Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose under this pur
Special Purposes

We have a need to use your data for this processing purpose that is required for us to deliver services to you.

To ensure security, prevent fraud and debug vendors can:

    Ensure data are securely transmitted
    Detect and prevent malicious, fraudulent, invalid, or illegal activity.
    Ensure correct and efficient operation of systems and processes, including to monitor and enhance the performance of systems and processes engaged in permitted purposes

Vendors cannot:

    Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose under this purpose.

Note: Data collected and used to ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug may include automatically-sent device characteristics for identification, precise geolocation data, and data obtained by actively scanning device characteristics for identification without separate disclosure and/or opt-in.

Basis Global Technologies, Inc.
Microsoft Advertising

BeeswaxIO Corporation
View All

To deliver information and respond to technical requests vendors can:

    Use a user’s IP address to deliver an ad over the internet
    Respond to a user’s interaction with an ad by sending the user to a landing page
    Use a user’s IP address to deliver content over the internet
    Respond to a user’s interaction with content by sending the user to a landing page
    Use information about the device type and capabilities for delivering ads or content, for example, to deliver the right size ad creative or video file in a format supported by the device

Vendors cannot:

    Conduct any other data processing operation allowed under a different purpose under this purpose

Basis Global Technologies, Inc.
Microsoft Advertising

BeeswaxIO Corporation
View All

OOther Site Vendors
Google Analytics
Zendesk, Inc.


Features are a use of the data that you have already agreed to share with us

Vendors can:

    Combine data obtained offline with data collected online in support of one or more Purposes or Special Purposes.

Microsoft AdvertisingBeeswaxIO CorporationBIDSWITCH GmbHStackAdaptComscore B.V.Samba TV, Inc.InMobi Pte LtdEpsilonLiveRampMagnite CTV, Inc.AdGear Technologies, Inc.Adventure MediaGoogle Advertising ProductsLoopMe LimitedTaboola Europe LimitedMediaMath, Inc.QuantcastSovrn Holdings IncLinkedIn Ireland Unlimited CompanyThe Trade DeskWunderkind CorporationYahoo EMEA LimitedOutbrain UK LtdYieldmo, Inc.PulsePoint, Inc.Cloud Technologies S.A.Amobee Inc.Nielsen Media Research Ltd.KÖNIGSTEINER digital GmbHINBEV BELGIUM SRLOneTag LimitedUnruly Group LLCPubMatic, IncLotame Solutions, incOctave IP LimitedCriteo SAAdrino Mobile Sp. z o.o.

Vendors can:

    Deterministically determine that two or more devices belong to the same user or household
    Probabilistically determine that two or more devices belong to the same user or household
    Actively scan device characteristics for identification for probabilistic identification if users have allowed vendors to actively scan device characteristics for identification (Special Feature 2)

Basis Global Technologies, Inc.Microsoft AdvertisingStackAdaptComscore B.V.Samba TV, Inc.InMobi Pte LtdEpsilonLiveRampMagnite CTV, Inc.AdGear Technologies, Inc.Adventure MediaGoogle Advertising ProductsLoopMe LimitedTaboola Europe LimitedMediaMath, Inc.QuantcastSovrn Holdings IncThe Trade DeskWunderkind CorporationYahoo EMEA LimitedYieldmo, Inc.PulsePoint, Inc.Cloud Technologies S.A.Amobee Inc.Nielsen Media Research Ltd.KÖNIGSTEINER digital GmbHSimplifi Holdings IncINBEV BELGIUM SRLOneTag LimitedAdform A/SUnruly Group LLCPubMatic, IncLotame Solutions, incOctave IP LimitedCriteo SAAdrino Mobile Sp. z o.o.Infolinks Media, LLC33AcrossXandr, Inc.

Vendors can:

    Create an identifier using data collected automatically from a device for specific characteristics, e.g. IP address, user-agent string.
    Use such an identifier to attempt to re-identify a device.

Vendors cannot:

    Create an identifier using data collected via actively scanning a device for specific characteristics, e.g. installed font or screen resolution without users’ separate opt-in to actively scanning device characteristics for identification.
    Use such an identifier to re-identify a device.

Basis Global Technologies, Inc.Microsoft AdvertisingBeeswaxIO CorporationBIDSWITCH GmbHAdobe Advertising CloudIndex Exchange, Inc. StackAdaptComscore B.V.Samba TV, Inc.InMobi Pte LtdEpsilonMagnite CTV, Inc.AdGear Technologies, Inc.Snigel Web Services LimitedSpringServe, LLCAdventure MediaTaboola Europe LimitedMediaMath, Inc.QuantcastPREQUEL INTERNET TRADING LTD. Sovrn Holdings IncThe Trade DeskYahoo EMEA LimitedOutbrain UK LtdYieldmo, Inc.SpotX, IncCloud Technologies S.A.Amobee Inc.Nielsen Media Research Ltd.TOPBOX Inc.KÖNIGSTEINER digital GmbHINBEV BELGIUM SRLOneTag LimitedAdform A/SUnruly Group LLCScore Media Group GmbH & Co. KGAdtelligent Inc.PubMatic, IncLotame Solutions, incTeads France SASOctave IP LimitedCriteo SAMedia.net Advertising FZ-LLCAdrino Mobile Sp. z o.o.Infolinks Media, LLC33AcrossXandr, Inc.
Special Features

Special Features are processing purposes that require your explicit consent

Vendors can:

    Collect and process precise geolocation data in support of one or more purposes.

N.B. Precise geolocation means that there are no restrictions on the precision of a user’s location; this can be accurate to within several meters.

Basis Global Technologies, Inc.BeeswaxIO CorporationBIDSWITCH GmbHIndex Exchange, Inc. Smart AdserverStackAdaptInMobi Pte LtdTripleLift, Inc.Magnite CTV, Inc.AdGear Technologies, Inc.Adventure MediaLoopMe LimitedMediaMath, Inc.PREQUEL INTERNET TRADING LTD. The Trade DeskWunderkind CorporationYahoo EMEA LimitedPulsePoint, Inc.Cloud Technologies S.A.Nielsen Media Research Ltd.KÖNIGSTEINER digital GmbHSimplifi Holdings IncINBEV BELGIUM SRLOneTag LimitedPubMatic, IncOctave IP LimitedAdrino Mobile Sp. z o.o.Infolinks Media, LLCMagnite, Inc. Xandr, Inc.

Vendors can:

    Create an identifier using data collected via actively scanning a device for specific characteristics, e.g. installed fonts or screen resolution.
    Use such an identifier to re-identify a device.

Magnite CTV, Inc.Snigel Web Services LimitedSpringServe, LLCSpotX, IncINBEV BELGIUM SRLAdrino Mobile Sp. z o.o.33Across

Other Site Vendors

AOL Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Basis Technologies
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads

Chartbeat, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Facebook, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Google Tag Manager
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Intercept Interactive
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Kargo Global, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads

Scorecard Research
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Simple Reach
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Synacor, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Twitter, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile

33Across stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365.24 Day(s) (31556952 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    33x_ps    33across.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ps_pid    33across.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uid    tynt.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pids    tynt.com    3 Month(s)
Select basic ads    33x_ps    33across.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    uid    tynt.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    33x_ps    33across.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    uid    tynt.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    33x_ps    33across.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    uid    tynt.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    33x_ps    33across.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    uid    tynt.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    33x_ps    33across.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    uid    tynt.com    1 Year(s)

Adform A/S stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 3650 Second(s).
Adform A/S
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    C    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    TPC    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    GCM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CM14    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    otsid    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uid    *.adform.net    1 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    SR<RotatorID>    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CT<TrackingSetupID>    *.adform.net    1 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    EBFCD<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    EBFC<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CFFC<TagID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    C    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    TPC    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    GCM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CM14    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    otsid    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uid    *.seadform.net    1 Month(s)
Select basic ads    C    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    TPC    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    GCM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    CM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    CM14    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    otsid    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    uid    *.adform.net    1 Month(s)
Select basic ads    SR<RotatorID>    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    CT<TrackingSetupID>    *.adform.net    1 Hour(s)
Select basic ads    EBFCD<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Select basic ads    EBFC<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Select basic ads    CFFC<TagID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Select basic ads    C    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    TPC    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    GCM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    CM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    CM14    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    otsid    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    uid    *.seadform.net    1 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    C    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    TPC    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    GCM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    CM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    CM14    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    otsid    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    uid    *.adform.net    1 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    SR<RotatorID>    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    CT<TrackingSetupID>    *.adform.net    1 Hour(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    EBFCD<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    EBFC<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    CFFC<TagID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    C    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    TPC    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    GCM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    CM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    CM14    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    otsid    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    uid    *.seadform.net    1 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    C    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    TPC    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    GCM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    CM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    CM14    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    otsid    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    uid    *.adform.net    1 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    SR<RotatorID>    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    CT<TrackingSetupID>    *.adform.net    1 Hour(s)
Select personalised ads    EBFCD<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Select personalised ads    EBFC<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Select personalised ads    CFFC<TagID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Select personalised ads    C    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    TPC    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    GCM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    CM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    CM14    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    otsid    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    uid    *.seadform.net    1 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    C    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    TPC    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    GCM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    CM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    CM14    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    otsid    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    uid    *.adform.net    1 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    SR<RotatorID>    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    CT<TrackingSetupID>    *.adform.net    1 Hour(s)
Measure ad performance    EBFCD<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Measure ad performance    EBFC<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Measure ad performance    CFFC<TagID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Measure ad performance    C    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    TPC    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    GCM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    CM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    CM14    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    otsid    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    uid    *.seadform.net    1 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    C    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    TPC    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    GCM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    CM    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    CM14    *.adform.net    14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    otsid    *.adform.net    9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    uid    *.adform.net    1 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    SR<RotatorID>    *.adform.net    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    CT<TrackingSetupID>    *.adform.net    1 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    EBFCD<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    EBFC<BannerID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    CFFC<TagID>    *.adform.net    7 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    C    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    TPC    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    GCM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    CM    *.seadform.net    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    CM14    *.seadform.net    14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    otsid    *.seadform.net    9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    uid    *.seadform.net    1 Month(s)

AdGear Technologies, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 395 Day(s) (34128000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
AdGear Technologies, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    adgear_cookie    *.adgrx.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    id        session
Store and/or access information on a device    id        session
Select basic ads    adgear_cookie    *.adgrx.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    id        session
Select basic ads    id        session
Create a personalised ads profile    adgear_cookie    *.adgrx.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    id        session
Create a personalised ads profile    id        session
Select personalised ads    adgear_cookie    *.adgrx.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    id        session
Select personalised ads    id        session
Measure ad performance    adgear_cookie    *.adgrx.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    id        session
Measure ad performance    id        session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    adgear_cookie    *.adgrx.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    id        session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    id        session
Develop and improve products    adgear_cookie    *.adgrx.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    id        session
Develop and improve products    id        session

Adobe Advertising Cloud stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).
Adobe Advertising Cloud
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Develop and improve products

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    _lcc    *.everesttech.net    15 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _tmae    *.everesttech.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    adcloud    *.everesttech.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ev_sync_*    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    everest_g_v2    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    everest_session_v2    *.everesttech.net    session
Store and/or access information on a device    ev_tm    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    everest_g_v2    everesttech.net    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    adcloud    *.everesttech.net    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    ev_sync_*    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _lcc    *.everesttech.net    15 Second(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _tmae    *.everesttech.net    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    ev_sync_*    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    everest_g_v2    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    everest_session_v2    *.everesttech.net    session
Create a personalised ads profile    ev_tm    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _lcc    *.everesttech.net    15 Second(s)
Select personalised ads    _tmae    *.everesttech.net    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    ev_sync_*    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    everest_g_v2    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    everest_session_v2    *.everesttech.net    session
Select personalised ads    ev_tm    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _lcc    *.everesttech.net    15 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    _tmae    *.everesttech.net    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    adcloud    *.everesttech.net    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    ev_sync_*    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    everest_g_v2    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    everest_session_v2    *.everesttech.net    session
Measure ad performance    ev_tm    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    _tmae    *.everesttech.net    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    everest_g_v2    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    everest_session_v2    *.everesttech.net    session
Develop and improve products    ev_tm    *.everesttech.net    1 Year(s)

Adrino Mobile Sp. z o.o. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Adrino Mobile Sp. z o.o.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Adtelligent Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 30 Day(s) (2592000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Adtelligent Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Measure ad performance

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    vmuid    *.adtelligent.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    a{id}    *.adtelligent.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    p{id}    *.adtelligent.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    e{id}    *.adtelligent.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vm_opt_out    optout.adtelligent.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    vmuid    *.adtelligent.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    a{id}    *.adtelligent.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    p{id}    *.adtelligent.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    e{id}    *.adtelligent.com    2 Month(s)

Adventure Media stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Adventure Media
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    __ad360_ad360uuid    *.ad360.media    11 Month(s)

Amazon Advertising stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 395.72 Day(s) (34190000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Amazon Advertising
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    ad-id    *amazon-adsystem.com    9 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vendor-id    *    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    amzn-token    *    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ad-privacy    amazon-adsystem.com    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    amazon-adsystem.com    6 Month(s)
Select basic ads    ad-id    *amazon-adsystem.com    9 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    ad-id    *amazon-adsystem.com    9 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    ad-id    *amazon-adsystem.com    9 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    vendor-id    *    30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    ad-id    *amazon-adsystem.com    9 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    ad-id    *amazon-adsystem.com    9 Month(s)

Amobee Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 180 Day(s) (15552000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Amobee Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    uid    *.turn.com    5 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    turn.com    5 Month(s)
Select basic ads    uid    *.turn.com    5 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    uid    *.turn.com    5 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    uid    *.turn.com    5 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    uid    *.turn.com    5 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    uid    *.turn.com    5 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    uid    *.turn.com    5 Month(s)

Basis Global Technologies, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 30 Day(s) (2592000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Basis Global Technologies, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads

• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    basis-cookie    pixel.sitescout.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    basis-cookie    pixel.sitescout.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    basis-cookie    pixel.sitescout.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    basis-cookie    pixel.sitescout.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    basis-cookie    pixel.sitescout.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    basis-cookie    pixel.sitescout.com    1 Year(s)

BeeswaxIO Corporation stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 394.79 Day(s) (34109999 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
BeeswaxIO Corporation
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    bito    match.prod.bidr.io    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bito    bidr.io    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bitoIsSecure    bidr.io    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    checkForPermission    bidr.io    session
Select basic ads    bito    match.prod.bidr.io    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    bito    match.prod.bidr.io    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    bito    match.prod.bidr.io    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    bito    match.prod.bidr.io    1 Year(s)

Between Exchange stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Between Exchange
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device

Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    dc    *.betweendigital.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tuuid    *.betweendigital.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ut    *.betweendigital.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ss    *.betweendigital.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bug    *.betweendigital.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tuuid    *.betweendigital.com    11 Month(s)

BIDSWITCH GmbH stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tuuid_lu    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    c    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bsw_origin_init    bidswitch.net    session
Store and/or access information on a device    c    bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    custom_data    bidswitch.net    session
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tuuid    *.bidswitch.net    11 Month(s)

Bounce Commerce GmbH stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 10800 Second(s).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Bounce Commerce GmbH
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Measure ad performance

Cloud Technologies S.A. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Cloud Technologies S.A.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Comscore B.V. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 720 Day(s) (62208000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Comscore B.V.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    uid    *.scorecardresearch.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    uid    *.scorecardresearch.com    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    uid    *.scorecardresearch.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    uid    *.scorecardresearch.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    uid    *.scorecardresearch.com    1 Year(s)

Criteo SA stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 390 Day(s) (33696000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
Criteo SA
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    uid    criteo.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    cto_bundle    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    cto_bundle    *    
Select basic ads    uid    criteo.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    cto_bundle    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    cto_bundle    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    uid    criteo.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    cto_bundle    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    cto_bundle    *    
Select personalised ads    uid    criteo.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    cto_bundle    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    cto_bundle    *    
Measure ad performance    uid    criteo.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    cto_bundle    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    cto_bundle    *    

Epsilon stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 183.2 Day(s) (15828480 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    DotomiUser        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DotomiSync        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DotomiStatus        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_status        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_gdpr_delete        30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DotomiSession_*        
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_token_sc        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_token        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_token        
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_token_exp        
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_tcdata        
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_tcdata_exp        
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_persisted_em_sc        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_persisted_em        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_persisted_em        
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_persisted_em_exp        
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_user_id_sc        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_user_id        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_user_id        
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_user_id_exp        
Store and/or access information on a device    svid        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rts        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _pubcid        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _publink        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DotomiUser    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DotomiSync    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DotomiStatus    dotomi.com    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_status    *    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_gdpr_delete    dotomi.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DotomiSession_*    dotomi.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_token_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_token    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_token    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_token_exp    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_tcdata    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_tcdata_exp    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_persisted_em_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_persisted_em    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_persisted_em    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_persisted_em_exp    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_user_id_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_user_id    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_user_id    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    dtm_user_id_exp    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    svid    mediaplex.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rts    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _pubcid    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _publink    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    DotomiUser        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    DotomiSync        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    DotomiStatus        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_status        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_gdpr_delete        30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    DotomiSession_*        
Select basic ads    dtm_token_sc        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_token        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_token        
Select basic ads    dtm_token_exp        
Select basic ads    dtm_tcdata        
Select basic ads    dtm_tcdata_exp        
Select basic ads    dtm_persisted_em_sc        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_persisted_em        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_persisted_em        
Select basic ads    dtm_persisted_em_exp        
Select basic ads    dtm_user_id_sc        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_user_id        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_user_id        
Select basic ads    dtm_user_id_exp        
Select basic ads    svid        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    rts        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _pubcid        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _publink        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    DotomiUser    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    DotomiSync    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    DotomiStatus    dotomi.com    5 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_status    *    5 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_gdpr_delete    dotomi.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    DotomiSession_*    dotomi.com    session
Select basic ads    dtm_token_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_token    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_token    *    session
Select basic ads    dtm_token_exp    *    session
Select basic ads    dtm_tcdata    *    session
Select basic ads    dtm_tcdata_exp    *    session
Select basic ads    dtm_persisted_em_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_persisted_em    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_persisted_em    *    session
Select basic ads    dtm_persisted_em_exp    *    session
Select basic ads    dtm_user_id_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_user_id    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    dtm_user_id    *    session
Select basic ads    dtm_user_id_exp    *    session
Select basic ads    svid    mediaplex.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    rts    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _pubcid    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _publink    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DotomiUser        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DotomiSync        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DotomiStatus        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_status        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_gdpr_delete        30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DotomiSession_*        
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_token_sc        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_token        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_token        
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_token_exp        
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_tcdata        
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_tcdata_exp        
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_persisted_em_sc        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_persisted_em        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_persisted_em        
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_persisted_em_exp        
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_user_id_sc        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_user_id        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_user_id        
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_user_id_exp        
Create a personalised ads profile    svid        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    rts        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _pubcid        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _publink        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DotomiUser    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DotomiSync    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DotomiStatus    dotomi.com    5 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_status    *    5 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_gdpr_delete    dotomi.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DotomiSession_*    dotomi.com    session
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_token_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_token    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_token    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_token_exp    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_tcdata    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_tcdata_exp    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_persisted_em_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_persisted_em    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_persisted_em    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_persisted_em_exp    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_user_id_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_user_id    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_user_id    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    dtm_user_id_exp    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    svid    mediaplex.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    rts    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _pubcid    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _publink    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    DotomiUser        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    DotomiSync        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    DotomiStatus        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_status        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_gdpr_delete        30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    DotomiSession_*        
Select personalised ads    dtm_token_sc        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_token        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_token        
Select personalised ads    dtm_token_exp        
Select personalised ads    dtm_tcdata        
Select personalised ads    dtm_tcdata_exp        
Select personalised ads    dtm_persisted_em_sc        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_persisted_em        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_persisted_em        
Select personalised ads    dtm_persisted_em_exp        
Select personalised ads    dtm_user_id_sc        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_user_id        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_user_id        
Select personalised ads    dtm_user_id_exp        
Select personalised ads    svid        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    rts        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _pubcid        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _publink        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    DotomiUser    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    DotomiSync    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    DotomiStatus    dotomi.com    5 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_status    *    5 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_gdpr_delete    dotomi.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    DotomiSession_*    dotomi.com    session
Select personalised ads    dtm_token_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_token    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_token    *    session
Select personalised ads    dtm_token_exp    *    session
Select personalised ads    dtm_tcdata    *    session
Select personalised ads    dtm_tcdata_exp    *    session
Select personalised ads    dtm_persisted_em_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_persisted_em    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_persisted_em    *    session
Select personalised ads    dtm_persisted_em_exp    *    session
Select personalised ads    dtm_user_id_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_user_id    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    dtm_user_id    *    session
Select personalised ads    dtm_user_id_exp    *    session
Select personalised ads    svid    mediaplex.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    rts    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _pubcid    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _publink    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    DotomiUser        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    DotomiSync        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    DotomiStatus        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_status        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_gdpr_delete        30 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    DotomiSession_*        
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_token_sc        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_token        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_token        
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_token_exp        
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_tcdata        
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_tcdata_exp        
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_persisted_em_sc        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_persisted_em        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_persisted_em        
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_persisted_em_exp        
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_user_id_sc        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_user_id        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_user_id        
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_user_id_exp        
Create a personalised content profile    svid        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    rts        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _pubcid        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _publink        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    DotomiUser    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    DotomiSync    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    DotomiStatus    dotomi.com    5 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_status    *    5 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_gdpr_delete    dotomi.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    DotomiSession_*    dotomi.com    session
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_token_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_token    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_token    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_token_exp    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_tcdata    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_tcdata_exp    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_persisted_em_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_persisted_em    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_persisted_em    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_persisted_em_exp    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_user_id_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_user_id    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_user_id    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    dtm_user_id_exp    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    svid    mediaplex.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    rts    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _pubcid    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _publink    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    DotomiUser        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    DotomiSync        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    DotomiStatus        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_status        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_gdpr_delete        30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    DotomiSession_*        
Select personalised content    dtm_token_sc        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_token        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_token        
Select personalised content    dtm_token_exp        
Select personalised content    dtm_tcdata        
Select personalised content    dtm_tcdata_exp        
Select personalised content    dtm_persisted_em_sc        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_persisted_em        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_persisted_em        
Select personalised content    dtm_persisted_em_exp        
Select personalised content    dtm_user_id_sc        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_user_id        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_user_id        
Select personalised content    dtm_user_id_exp        
Select personalised content    svid        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    rts        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    _pubcid        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    _publink        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    DotomiUser    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    DotomiSync    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    DotomiStatus    dotomi.com    5 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_status    *    5 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_gdpr_delete    dotomi.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    DotomiSession_*    dotomi.com    session
Select personalised content    dtm_token_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_token    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_token    *    session
Select personalised content    dtm_token_exp    *    session
Select personalised content    dtm_tcdata    *    session
Select personalised content    dtm_tcdata_exp    *    session
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Select personalised content    dtm_persisted_em    *    1 Year(s)
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Select personalised content    dtm_persisted_em_exp    *    session
Select personalised content    dtm_user_id_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_user_id    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    dtm_user_id    *    session
Select personalised content    dtm_user_id_exp    *    session
Select personalised content    svid    mediaplex.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    rts    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    _pubcid    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    _publink    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    DotomiUser        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    DotomiSync        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    DotomiStatus        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_status        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_gdpr_delete        30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    DotomiSession_*        
Measure ad performance    dtm_token_sc        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_token        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_token        
Measure ad performance    dtm_token_exp        
Measure ad performance    dtm_tcdata        
Measure ad performance    dtm_tcdata_exp        
Measure ad performance    dtm_persisted_em_sc        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_persisted_em        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_persisted_em        
Measure ad performance    dtm_persisted_em_exp        
Measure ad performance    dtm_user_id_sc        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_user_id        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_user_id        
Measure ad performance    dtm_user_id_exp        
Measure ad performance    svid        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    rts        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _pubcid        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _publink        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    DotomiUser    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    DotomiSync    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    DotomiStatus    dotomi.com    5 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_status    *    5 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_gdpr_delete    dotomi.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    DotomiSession_*    dotomi.com    session
Measure ad performance    dtm_token_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_token    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_token    *    session
Measure ad performance    dtm_token_exp    *    session
Measure ad performance    dtm_tcdata    *    session
Measure ad performance    dtm_tcdata_exp    *    session
Measure ad performance    dtm_persisted_em_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_persisted_em    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_persisted_em    *    session
Measure ad performance    dtm_persisted_em_exp    *    session
Measure ad performance    dtm_user_id_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_user_id    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    dtm_user_id    *    session
Measure ad performance    dtm_user_id_exp    *    session
Measure ad performance    svid    mediaplex.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    rts    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _pubcid    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _publink    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DotomiUser        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DotomiSync        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DotomiStatus        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_status        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_gdpr_delete        30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DotomiSession_*        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_token_sc        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_token        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_token        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_token_exp        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_tcdata        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_tcdata_exp        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_persisted_em_sc        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_persisted_em        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_persisted_em        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_persisted_em_exp        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_user_id_sc        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_user_id        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_user_id        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_user_id_exp        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    svid        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    rts        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _pubcid        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _publink        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DotomiUser    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DotomiSync    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DotomiStatus    dotomi.com    5 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_status    *    5 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_gdpr_delete    dotomi.com    30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DotomiSession_*    dotomi.com    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_token_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_token    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_token    *    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_token_exp    *    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_tcdata    *    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_tcdata_exp    *    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_persisted_em_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_persisted_em    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_persisted_em    *    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_persisted_em_exp    *    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_user_id_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_user_id    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_user_id    *    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dtm_user_id_exp    *    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    svid    mediaplex.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    rts    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _pubcid    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _publink    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    DotomiUser        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    DotomiSync        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    DotomiStatus        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_status        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_gdpr_delete        30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    DotomiSession_*        
Develop and improve products    dtm_token_sc        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_token        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_token        
Develop and improve products    dtm_token_exp        
Develop and improve products    dtm_tcdata        
Develop and improve products    dtm_tcdata_exp        
Develop and improve products    dtm_persisted_em_sc        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_persisted_em        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_persisted_em        
Develop and improve products    dtm_persisted_em_exp        
Develop and improve products    dtm_user_id_sc        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_user_id        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_user_id        
Develop and improve products    dtm_user_id_exp        
Develop and improve products    svid        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    rts        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    _pubcid        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    _publink        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    DotomiUser    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    DotomiSync    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    DotomiStatus    dotomi.com    5 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_status    *    5 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_gdpr_delete    dotomi.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    DotomiSession_*    dotomi.com    session
Develop and improve products    dtm_token_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_token    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_token    *    session
Develop and improve products    dtm_token_exp    *    session
Develop and improve products    dtm_tcdata    *    session
Develop and improve products    dtm_tcdata_exp    *    session
Develop and improve products    dtm_persisted_em_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_persisted_em    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_persisted_em    *    session
Develop and improve products    dtm_persisted_em_exp    *    session
Develop and improve products    dtm_user_id_sc    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_user_id    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    dtm_user_id    *    session
Develop and improve products    dtm_user_id_exp    *    session
Develop and improve products    svid    mediaplex.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    rts    dotomi.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    _pubcid    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    _publink    *    1 Year(s)

Google Advertising Products stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 395.72 Day(s) (34190000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
Google Advertising Products
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    NID        5 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DSID        14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    id        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __gads        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ANID        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    AID        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    IDE        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    TAID        14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_dc        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_au        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FLC        
Store and/or access information on a device    RUL        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gac_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_aw        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    Conversion        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FCNEC        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    test_cookie        15 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_gf        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_ha        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FPGCLDC        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __gsas        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FPAU        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FPGCLAW        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FPGCLGB        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_gb        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gac_gb_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    NID    google.com    5 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DSID    doubleclick.net    14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    id    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __gads    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ANID    google.*    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    AID    google.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    IDE    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    TAID    google.com    14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_dc    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_au    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FLC    doubleclick.net    
Store and/or access information on a device    RUL    doubleclick.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gac_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_aw    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    Conversion    googleadservices.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FCNEC    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    test_cookie    doubleclick.net    15 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_gf    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_ha    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FPGCLDC    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __gsas    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FPAU    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FPGCLAW    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FPGCLGB    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_gb    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gac_gb_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    IDE    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    test_cookie    doubleclick.net    session
Select basic ads    NID        5 Month(s)
Select basic ads    DSID        14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    id        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    __gads        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    ANID        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    AID        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    IDE        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    TAID        14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_dc        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_au        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    FLC        
Select basic ads    RUL        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gac_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_aw        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    Conversion        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_gf        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_ha        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    FPGCLDC        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    __gsas        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    FPAU        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    FPGCLAW        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    FPGCLGB        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_gb        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gac_gb_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    NID    google.com    5 Month(s)
Select basic ads    DSID    doubleclick.net    14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    id    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    __gads    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    ANID    google.*    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    AID    google.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    IDE    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    TAID    google.com    14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_dc    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_au    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    FLC    doubleclick.net    
Select basic ads    RUL    doubleclick.net    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gac_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_aw    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    Conversion    googleadservices.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_gf    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_ha    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    FPGCLDC    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    __gsas    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    FPAU    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    FPGCLAW    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    FPGCLGB    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_gb    *    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _gac_gb_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    NID        5 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DSID        14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    id        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    __gads        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    ANID        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    AID        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    IDE        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    TAID        14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_dc        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_au        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FLC        
Create a personalised ads profile    RUL        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gac_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_aw        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    Conversion        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_gf        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_ha        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FPGCLDC        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    __gsas        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FPAU        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FPGCLAW        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FPGCLGB        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_gb        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gac_gb_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    NID    google.com    5 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DSID    doubleclick.net    14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    id    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    __gads    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    ANID    google.*    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    AID    google.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    IDE    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    TAID    google.com    14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_dc    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_au    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FLC    doubleclick.net    
Create a personalised ads profile    RUL    doubleclick.net    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gac_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_aw    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    Conversion    googleadservices.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_gf    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_ha    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FPGCLDC    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    __gsas    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FPAU    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FPGCLAW    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    FPGCLGB    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_gb    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gac_gb_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    NID        5 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    DSID        14 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    id        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    __gads        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    ANID        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    AID        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    IDE        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    TAID        14 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_dc        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_au        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    FLC        
Select personalised ads    RUL        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gac_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_aw        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    Conversion        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_gf        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_ha        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    FPGCLDC        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    __gsas        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    FPAU        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    FPGCLAW        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    FPGCLGB        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_gb        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gac_gb_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    NID    google.com    5 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    DSID    doubleclick.net    14 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    id    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    __gads    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    ANID    google.*    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    AID    google.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    IDE    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    TAID    google.com    14 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_dc    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_au    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    FLC    doubleclick.net    
Select personalised ads    RUL    doubleclick.net    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gac_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_aw    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    Conversion    googleadservices.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_gf    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_ha    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    FPGCLDC    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    __gsas    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    FPAU    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    FPGCLAW    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    FPGCLGB    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_gb    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _gac_gb_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    NID        5 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    DSID        14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    id        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    __gads        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    ANID        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    AID        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    IDE        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    TAID        14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_dc        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_au        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FLC        
Measure ad performance    RUL        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gac_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_aw        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    Conversion        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FCNEC        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_gf        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_ha        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FPGCLDC        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    __gsas        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    FPAU        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FPGCLAW        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FPGCLGB        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_gb        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gac_gb_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    NID    google.com    5 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    DSID    doubleclick.net    14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    id    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    __gads    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    ANID    google.*    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    AID    google.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    IDE    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    TAID    google.com    14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_dc    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_au    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FLC    doubleclick.net    
Measure ad performance    RUL    doubleclick.net    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gac_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_aw    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    Conversion    googleadservices.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FCNEC    *    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_gf    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_ha    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FPGCLDC    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    __gsas    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    FPAU    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FPGCLAW    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    FPGCLGB    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_gb    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _gac_gb_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    NID        5 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DSID        14 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    id        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    __gads        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    ANID        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    AID        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    IDE        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    TAID        14 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_dc        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_au        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FLC        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    RUL        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gac_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_aw        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    Conversion        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_gf        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_ha        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FPGCLDC        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    __gsas        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FPAU        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FPGCLAW        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FPGCLGB        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_gb        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gac_gb_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    NID    google.com    5 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    DSID    doubleclick.net    14 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    id    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    __gads    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    ANID    google.*    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    AID    google.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    IDE    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    TAID    google.com    14 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_dc    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_au    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FLC    doubleclick.net    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    RUL    doubleclick.net    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gac_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_aw    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    Conversion    googleadservices.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_gf    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_ha    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FPGCLDC    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    __gsas    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FPAU    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FPGCLAW    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    FPGCLGB    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gcl_gb    *    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gac_gb_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    NID        5 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    DSID        14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    id        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    __gads        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    ANID        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    AID        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    IDE        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    TAID        14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_dc        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_au        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FLC        
Develop and improve products    RUL        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gac_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_aw        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    Conversion        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FCNEC        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    test_cookie        15 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_gf        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_ha        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FPGCLDC        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    __gsas        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    FPAU        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FPGCLAW        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FPGCLGB        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_gb        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gac_gb_<wpid>        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    NID    google.com    5 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    DSID    doubleclick.net    14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    id    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    __gads    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    ANID    google.*    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    AID    google.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    IDE    doubleclick.net    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    TAID    google.com    14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_dc    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_au    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FLC    doubleclick.net    
Develop and improve products    RUL    doubleclick.net    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gac_<wpid>    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_aw    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    Conversion    googleadservices.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FCNEC    *    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    test_cookie    doubleclick.net    15 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_gf    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_ha    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FPGCLDC    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    __gsas    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    FPAU    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FPGCLAW    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    FPGCLGB    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_gb    *    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _gac_gb_<wpid>

Index Exchange, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 395 Day(s) (34128000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Index Exchange, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Measure ad performance

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    CMPS    *.casalemedia.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CMTS    *.casalemedia.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CMGO    *.casalemedia.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    CMTEST    *.casalemedia.com    1 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CMID    *.casalemedia.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CMPRO    *.casalemedia.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CMRUM3    *.casalemedia.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CMDD    *.casalemedia.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CMDD    *.casalemedia.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CMST    *.casalemedia.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CMSC    *.casalemedia.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    IXWRAPPERLiveRampIp    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    IXWRAPPERMerkleIp    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    IXWRAPPERAdserverOrgIp    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    IXWRAPPERlib_mem    *    
Select basic ads    CMPS    *.casalemedia.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    CMTS    *.casalemedia.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    CMGO    *.casalemedia.com    
Select basic ads    CMTEST    *.casalemedia.com    1 Hour(s)
Select basic ads    CMID    *.casalemedia.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    CMPRO    *.casalemedia.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    CMRUM3    *.casalemedia.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    CMDD    *.casalemedia.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    CMDD    *.casalemedia.com    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    CMST    *.casalemedia.com    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    CMSC    *.casalemedia.com    
Select basic ads    CMO    *.casalemedia.com    4 Year(s)
Select basic ads    IXWRAPPERLiveRampIp    *    
Select basic ads    IXWRAPPERMerkleIp    *    
Select basic ads    IXWRAPPERAdserverOrgIp    *    
Select basic ads    IXWRAPPERlib_mem    *    

Infolinks Media, LLC stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Infolinks Media, LLC
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Develop and improve products

• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

InMobi Pte Ltd
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Intercept Interactive Inc. dba Undertone stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365.24 Day(s) (31556926 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Intercept Interactive Inc. dba Undertone
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content

Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    UTID        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    UTID    *.undertone.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    UTID        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    UTID    *.undertone.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    UTID        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    UTID    *.undertone.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    UTID        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    UTID    *.undertone.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    UTID        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    UTID    *.undertone.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    UTID        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    UTID    *.undertone.com    11 Month(s)

KÖNIGSTEINER digital GmbH stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    browser_id    *.rqtrk.eu    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    browser_id    *.rqtrk.eu    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    browser_id    *.rqtrk.eu    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    browser_id    *.rqtrk.eu    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    browser_id    *.rqtrk.eu    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    browser_id    *.rqtrk.eu    11 Month(s)

LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 90 Day(s) (7776000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    aam_uuid    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    li_fat_id    *    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    li_giant    *    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    li_sugr    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lms_ads    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    oribi_cookie_test    linkedin.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    oribi_session    linkedin.com    2 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    oribi_user_guid    linkedin.com    5 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    UserMatchHistory    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gcl_*    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _guid    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    IDFA        session
Store and/or access information on a device    GAID        session
Store and/or access information on a device    IDFA        session
Store and/or access information on a device    GAID        session
Store and/or access information on a device    bcookie    linkedin.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    linkedin.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lang    ads.linkedin.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    li_gc    linkedin.com    5 Month(s)
Select basic ads    aam_uuid    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    li_fat_id    *    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    li_giant    *    7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    li_sugr    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    lms_ads    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    oribi_cookie_test    linkedin.com    session
Select basic ads    oribi_session    linkedin.com    2 Hour(s)
Select basic ads    oribi_user_guid    linkedin.com    5 Month(s)
Select basic ads    UserMatchHistory    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _gcl_*    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _guid    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    IDFA        session
Select basic ads    GAID        session
Select basic ads    IDFA        session
Select basic ads    GAID        session
Create a personalised ads profile    aam_uuid    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    li_fat_id    *    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    li_giant    *    7 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    li_sugr    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    lms_ads    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    oribi_cookie_test    linkedin.com    session
Create a personalised ads profile    oribi_session    linkedin.com    2 Hour(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    oribi_user_guid    linkedin.com    5 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    UserMatchHistory    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gcl_*    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _guid    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    IDFA        session
Create a personalised ads profile    GAID        session
Create a personalised ads profile    IDFA        session
Create a personalised ads profile    GAID        session
Select personalised ads    aam_uuid    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    li_fat_id    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    li_giant    *    7 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    li_sugr    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    lms_ads    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    oribi_cookie_test    linkedin.com    session
Select personalised ads    oribi_session    linkedin.com    2 Hour(s)
Select personalised ads    oribi_user_guid    linkedin.com    5 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    UserMatchHistory    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    _gcl_*    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _guid    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    IDFA        session
Select personalised ads    GAID        session
Select personalised ads    IDFA        session
Select personalised ads    GAID        session
Measure ad performance    aam_uuid    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    li_fat_id    *    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    li_giant    *    7 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    li_sugr    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    lms_ads    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    oribi_cookie_test    linkedin.com    session
Measure ad performance    oribi_session    linkedin.com    2 Hour(s)
Measure ad performance    oribi_user_guid    linkedin.com    5 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    UserMatchHistory    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    _gcl_*    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _guid    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    IDFA        session
Measure ad performance    GAID        session
Measure ad performance    IDFA        session
Measure ad performance    GAID        session
Develop and improve products    aam_uuid    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    li_fat_id    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    li_giant    *    7 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    li_sugr    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    lms_ads    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    oribi_cookie_test    linkedin.com    session
Develop and improve products    oribi_session    linkedin.com    2 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    oribi_user_guid    linkedin.com    5 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    UserMatchHistory    linkedin.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _gcl_*    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _guid    linkedin.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    IDFA        session
Develop and improve products    GAID        session
Develop and improve products    IDFA        session
Develop and improve products    GAID        session

LiveRamp stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    optout    *.rlcdn.com    10 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Store and/or access information on a device    *CREATEDAT        
Store and/or access information on a device    *TYPE        
Store and/or access information on a device    *CONTENT        
Store and/or access information on a device    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Store and/or access information on a device    *CREATEDAT        
Store and/or access information on a device    *TYPE        
Store and/or access information on a device    *CONTENT        
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    pippio.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _lr_env        session
Store and/or access information on a device    _lr_geo_location        1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    nnls    pippio.com    1 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pxrc    pippio.com    1 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rlas3    rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Select basic ads    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Select basic ads    *CREATEDAT        
Select basic ads    *TYPE        
Select basic ads    *CONTENT        
Select basic ads    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Select basic ads    *CREATEDAT        
Select basic ads    *TYPE        
Select basic ads    *CONTENT        
Create a personalised ads profile    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Create a personalised ads profile    *CREATEDAT        
Create a personalised ads profile    *TYPE        
Create a personalised ads profile    *CONTENT        
Create a personalised ads profile    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Create a personalised ads profile    *CREATEDAT        
Create a personalised ads profile    *TYPE        
Create a personalised ads profile    *CONTENT        
Select personalised ads    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Select personalised ads    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Select personalised ads    *CREATEDAT        
Select personalised ads    *TYPE        
Select personalised ads    *CONTENT        
Select personalised ads    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Select personalised ads    *CREATEDAT        
Select personalised ads    *TYPE        
Select personalised ads    *CONTENT        
Create a personalised content profile    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Create a personalised content profile    *CREATEDAT        
Create a personalised content profile    *TYPE        
Create a personalised content profile    *CONTENT        
Create a personalised content profile    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Create a personalised content profile    *CREATEDAT        
Create a personalised content profile    *TYPE        
Create a personalised content profile    *CONTENT        
Select personalised content    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Select personalised content    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Select personalised content    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Select personalised content    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Select personalised content    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Select personalised content    *CREATEDAT        
Select personalised content    *TYPE        
Select personalised content    *CONTENT        
Select personalised content    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Select personalised content    *CREATEDAT        
Select personalised content    *TYPE        
Select personalised content    *CONTENT        
Measure ad performance    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Measure ad performance    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Measure ad performance    *CREATEDAT        
Measure ad performance    *TYPE        
Measure ad performance    *CONTENT        
Measure ad performance    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Measure ad performance    *CREATEDAT        
Measure ad performance    *TYPE        
Measure ad performance    *CONTENT        
Measure content performance    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Measure content performance    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Measure content performance    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Measure content performance    *CREATEDAT        
Measure content performance    *TYPE        
Measure content performance    *CONTENT        
Measure content performance    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Measure content performance    *CREATEDAT        
Measure content performance    *TYPE        
Measure content performance    *CONTENT        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *CREATEDAT        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *TYPE        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *CONTENT        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *CREATEDAT        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *TYPE        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *CONTENT        
Develop and improve products    rlas3    *.rlcdn.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    pxrc    *.rlcdn.com    1 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _lr_retry_request    *    1 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    _lr_geo_location    *    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _lr_drop_match_pixel    *    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _lr_env_src_ats    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _lr_env    *    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    idl_env    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Develop and improve products    *CREATEDAT        
Develop and improve products    *TYPE        
Develop and improve products    *CONTENT        
Develop and improve products    *LASTREFRESHTIME        
Develop and improve products    *CREATEDAT        
Develop and improve products    *TYPE        
Develop and improve products    *CONTENT        

LoopMe Limited stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
LoopMe Limited
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    viewer_token    tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    viewer_token    us.tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    viewer_token    tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    viewer_token    us.tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    viewer_token    tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    viewer_token    us.tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    viewer_token    tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    viewer_token    us.tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised content    viewer_token    tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised content    viewer_token    us.tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    viewer_token    tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    viewer_token    us.tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Measure content performance    viewer_token    tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Measure content performance    viewer_token    us.tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    viewer_token    tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    viewer_token    us.tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    viewer_token    tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    viewer_token    us.tk0x1.com    2 Month(s)

Lotame Solutions, inc stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 273.75 Day(s) (23652000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Lotame Solutions, inc
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Create a personalised content profile
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    _cc_id    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _cc_domain    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _cc_dc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _cc_cc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _cc_aud    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    panoramaId    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    lotame_*_consent    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    panoramaId_expiry    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    panoramaId_expiry_exp    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    panoramaId_exp    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    _cc_id    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    _cc_id    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _cc_domain    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _cc_dc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _cc_cc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _cc_aud    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    panoramaId    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    lotame_*_consent    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    panoramaId_expiry    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    panoramaId_expiry_exp    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    panoramaId_exp    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    _cc_id    *    
Create a personalised content profile    _cc_id    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _cc_domain    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _cc_dc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _cc_cc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _cc_aud    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    panoramaId    *    
Create a personalised content profile    lotame_*_consent    *    
Create a personalised content profile    panoramaId_expiry    *    
Create a personalised content profile    panoramaId_expiry_exp    *    
Create a personalised content profile    panoramaId_exp    *    
Create a personalised content profile    _cc_id    *    
Measure ad performance    _cc_id    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _cc_domain    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _cc_dc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _cc_cc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _cc_aud    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    panoramaId    *    
Measure ad performance    lotame_*_consent    *    
Measure ad performance    panoramaId_expiry    *    
Measure ad performance    panoramaId_expiry_exp    *    
Measure ad performance    panoramaId_exp    *    
Measure ad performance    _cc_id    *    
Measure content performance    _cc_id    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure content performance    _cc_domain    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure content performance    _cc_dc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure content performance    _cc_cc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure content performance    _cc_aud    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Measure content performance    panoramaId    *    
Measure content performance    lotame_*_consent    *    
Measure content performance    panoramaId_expiry    *    
Measure content performance    panoramaId_expiry_exp    *    
Measure content performance    panoramaId_exp    *    
Measure content performance    _cc_id    *    
Develop and improve products    _cc_id    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _cc_domain    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _cc_dc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _cc_cc    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _cc_aud    *.crwdcntrl.net    8 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    panoramaId    *    
Develop and improve products    lotame_*_consent    *    
Develop and improve products    panoramaId_expiry    *    
Develop and improve products    panoramaId_expiry_exp    *    
Develop and improve products    panoramaId_exp    *    
Develop and improve products    _cc_id    *    

Magnite CTV, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365.24 Day(s) (31556900 Second(s)).
Magnite CTV, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    tvid        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvv        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvrg_*        1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvfc_*        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvdfc_*        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvrg_*    *.tremorhub.com    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvfc_*    *.tremorhub.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tvdfc_*    *.tremorhub.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvid        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvv        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Select basic ads    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvrg_*        1 Second(s)
Select basic ads    tvfc_*        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvdfc_*        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Select basic ads    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvrg_*    *.tremorhub.com    1 Second(s)
Select basic ads    tvfc_*    *.tremorhub.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tvdfc_*    *.tremorhub.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tvid        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tvv        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tvid        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tvv        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    tvid        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    tvv        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    tvid        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    tvv        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Select personalised content    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Select personalised content    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tvid        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tvv        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    tvid        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    tvv        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Measure content performance    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Measure content performance    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tvid        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tvv        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tvid        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tvv        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tvssa        5 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    tv_*        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tvid    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tvv    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tvssa    *.tremorhub.com    5 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    tv_*    *.tremorhub.com    11 Month(s)

Magnite, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
Magnite, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    khaos        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    audit        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    trp_optout        4 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uids        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uids-audit        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    cd        
Store and/or access information on a device    FPTrust        
Store and/or access information on a device    fcap        
Store and/or access information on a device    emilyRan        
Store and/or access information on a device    khaos        
Store and/or access information on a device    sample_number        
Store and/or access information on a device    pux        
Store and/or access information on a device    khaos    *.rubiconproject.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    audit    *.rubiconproject.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    trp_optout    *.rubiconproject.com    4 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uids    *.rubiconproject.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uids-audit    *.rubiconproject.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    cd    eus.rubiconproject.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    FPTrust    *.rubiconproject.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    fcap    eus.rubiconproject.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    emilyRan    eus.rubiconproject.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    khaos    eus.rubiconproject.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    sample_number    eus.rubiconproject.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    pux    eus.rubiconproject.com    session
Select basic ads    khaos        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    audit        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    trp_optout        4 Year(s)
Select basic ads    uids        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    uids-audit        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    khaos        
Select basic ads    khaos    *.rubiconproject.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    audit    *.rubiconproject.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    trp_optout    *.rubiconproject.com    4 Year(s)
Select basic ads    uids    *.rubiconproject.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    uids-audit    *.rubiconproject.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    khaos    eus.rubiconproject.com    session
Measure ad performance    khaos        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    audit        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    trp_optout        4 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    uids        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    uids-audit        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    khaos        
Measure ad performance    khaos    *.rubiconproject.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    audit    *.rubiconproject.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    trp_optout    *.rubiconproject.com    4 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    uids    *.rubiconproject.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    uids-audit    *.rubiconproject.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    khaos    eus.rubiconproject.com    session
Develop and improve products    khaos        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    audit        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    trp_optout        4 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    uids        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    uids-audit        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    khaos        
Develop and improve products    khaos    *.rubiconproject.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    audit    *.rubiconproject.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    trp_optout    *.rubiconproject.com    4 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    uids    *.rubiconproject.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    uids-audit    *.rubiconproject.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    khaos    eus.rubiconproject.com    session

Media.net Advertising FZ-LLC stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 2190 Day(s) (189216000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Media.net Advertising FZ-LLC
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure content performance

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNExInsl        7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNInsl        7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNInsChk        
Store and/or access information on a device    ra_depth_tracking        15 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNOvl        7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNIntDock        7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNOvlShown        7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNIDShownPrev        7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    session_depth        30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mnet_ad_pref_close        30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mnet_optout        5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    usprivacy        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    usp_status        6 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    gdpr_oli        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    euconsent-v2        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    addtl_consent        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    x-msedge-clientid        
Store and/or access information on a device    visitor-id        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    data-*        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    atst        7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mnvid_ses_cap        
Store and/or access information on a device    mnvid_day_cap        1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mnsbucketName        
Store and/or access information on a device    mnsbucketExpiryTime        
Store and/or access information on a device    mnstestVersion        
Store and/or access information on a device    eclstest        
Store and/or access information on a device    bids_map_v2        
Store and/or access information on a device    mnet_session_depth        
Store and/or access information on a device    crtkn        
Store and/or access information on a device    covkn        
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNExInsl    *    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNInsl    *    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNInsChk    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    ra_depth_tracking    *    15 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNOvl    *    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNIntDock    *    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNOvlShown    *    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _mNIDShownPrev    *    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    session_depth    *    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mnet_ad_pref_close    *    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mnet_optout    *.media.net    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    usprivacy    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    usp_status    *    6 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    gdpr_oli    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    euconsent-v2    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    addtl_consent    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    visitor-id    *.media.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    data-*    *.media.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    atst    *.media.net    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mnvid_ses_cap    *.media.net    session
Store and/or access information on a device    mnvid_day_cap    *.media.net    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mnsbucketName    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    mnsbucketExpiryTime    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    mnstestVersion    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    eclstest    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    bids_map_v2    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    mnet_session_depth    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    crtkn    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    covkn    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    data-bs    media.net    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    media.net    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _mNExInsl        7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNInsl        7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNInsChk        
Select basic ads    ra_depth_tracking        15 Second(s)
Select basic ads    _mNOvl        7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNIntDock        7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNOvlShown        7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNIDShownPrev        7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    session_depth        30 Second(s)
Select basic ads    mnet_ad_pref_close        30 Second(s)
Select basic ads    mnet_optout        5 Year(s)
Select basic ads    usprivacy        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    usp_status        6 Month(s)
Select basic ads    gdpr_oli        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    euconsent-v2        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    addtl_consent        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    x-msedge-clientid        
Select basic ads    atst        7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    mnvid_ses_cap        
Select basic ads    mnvid_day_cap        1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    mnsbucketName        
Select basic ads    mnsbucketExpiryTime        
Select basic ads    mnstestVersion        
Select basic ads    bids_map_v2        
Select basic ads    mnet_session_depth        
Select basic ads    _mNExInsl    *    7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNInsl    *    7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNInsChk    *    session
Select basic ads    ra_depth_tracking    *    15 Second(s)
Select basic ads    _mNOvl    *    7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNIntDock    *    7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNOvlShown    *    7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _mNIDShownPrev    *    7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    session_depth    *    30 Second(s)
Select basic ads    mnet_ad_pref_close    *    30 Second(s)
Select basic ads    mnet_optout    *.media.net    5 Year(s)
Select basic ads    usprivacy    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    usp_status    *    6 Month(s)
Select basic ads    gdpr_oli    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    euconsent-v2    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    addtl_consent    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Select basic ads    atst    *.media.net    7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    mnvid_ses_cap    *.media.net    session
Select basic ads    mnvid_day_cap    *.media.net    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    mnsbucketName    *    session
Select basic ads    mnsbucketExpiryTime    *    session
Select basic ads    mnstestVersion    *    session
Select basic ads    bids_map_v2    *    session
Select basic ads    mnet_session_depth    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    x-msedge-clientid        
Create a personalised ads profile    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Select personalised ads    x-msedge-clientid        
Select personalised ads    visitor-id        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    data-*        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    crtkn        
Select personalised ads    covkn        
Select personalised ads    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Select personalised ads    visitor-id    *.media.net    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    data-*    *.media.net    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    crtkn    *    session
Select personalised ads    covkn    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    x-msedge-clientid        
Create a personalised content profile    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Select personalised content    x-msedge-clientid        
Select personalised content    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Measure ad performance    session_depth        30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    mnet_ad_pref_close        30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    mnet_optout        5 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    usp_status        6 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    x-msedge-clientid        
Measure ad performance    atst        7 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    mnvid_ses_cap        
Measure ad performance    mnvid_day_cap        1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    mnsbucketName        
Measure ad performance    mnsbucketExpiryTime        
Measure ad performance    mnstestVersion        
Measure ad performance    mnet_session_depth        
Measure ad performance    session_depth    *    30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    mnet_ad_pref_close    *    30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    mnet_optout    *.media.net    5 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    usp_status    *    6 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Measure ad performance    atst    *.media.net    7 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    mnvid_ses_cap    *.media.net    session
Measure ad performance    mnvid_day_cap    *.media.net    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    mnsbucketName    *    session
Measure ad performance    mnsbucketExpiryTime    *    session
Measure ad performance    mnstestVersion    *    session
Measure ad performance    mnet_session_depth    *    session
Measure content performance    ra_depth_tracking        15 Second(s)
Measure content performance    x-msedge-clientid        
Measure content performance    ra_depth_tracking    *    15 Second(s)
Measure content performance    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    x-msedge-clientid        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Develop and improve products    x-msedge-clientid        
Develop and improve products    eclstest        
Develop and improve products    x-msedge-clientid    *    session
Develop and improve products    eclstest    *    session

MediaMath, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 393 Day(s) (33955200 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
MediaMath, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    uuid    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mt_misc    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mt_mop    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    uuid    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    mt_misc    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    mt_mop    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    uuid    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    mt_misc    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    mt_mop    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    uuid    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    mt_misc    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    mt_mop    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    uuid    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    mt_misc    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    mt_mop    *.mathtag.com    1 Year(s)

Microsoft Advertising stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 395.72 Day(s) (34190000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
Microsoft Advertising
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    MUID        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetmsclkid        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetsid        1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetvid        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetmsclkid        
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetsid        
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetvid        
Store and/or access information on a device    MUID    bing.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetmsclkid    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetsid    *    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetvid    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetmsclkid    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetsid    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    _uetvid    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    MUID        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetmsclkid        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetsid        1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetvid        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetmsclkid        
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetsid        
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetvid        
Create a personalised ads profile    MUID    bing.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetmsclkid    *    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetsid    *    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetvid    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetmsclkid    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetsid    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    _uetvid    *    session
Select personalised ads    MUID        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _uetmsclkid        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _uetsid        1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    _uetvid        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _uetmsclkid        
Select personalised ads    _uetsid        
Select personalised ads    _uetvid        
Select personalised ads    MUID    bing.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _uetmsclkid    *    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _uetsid    *    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    _uetvid    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _uetmsclkid    *    session
Select personalised ads    _uetsid    *    session
Select personalised ads    _uetvid    *    session
Measure ad performance    _uetmsclkid        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _uetmsclkid        
Measure ad performance    _uetmsclkid    *    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _uetmsclkid    *    session

Nielsen Media Research Ltd. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 120 Day(s) (10368000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Nielsen Media Research Ltd.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    cookieCreationCheck    *.exelator.com    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DNP    *.exelator.com    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DNT    *.exelator.com    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    EE    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    hsk_    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    NDID    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ud    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    udo    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    nmcPPID    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    nmcPpidOptout    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    nmcPPID    *    1 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    nmcPpidOptout    *    1 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    cookieCreationCheck    *.exelator.com    1 Second(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DNP    *.exelator.com    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    DNT    *.exelator.com    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    EE    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    hsk_    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    NDID    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    ud    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    udo    *.exelator.com    3 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    nmcPPID    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    nmcPpidOptout    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    nmcPPID    *    1 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    nmcPpidOptout    *    1 Month(s)

Octave IP Limited stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 395.72 Day(s) (34190000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Octave IP Limited
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    OAID    *.adswizz.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    permutive-id    *permutive.com    6 Month(s)
Select basic ads    OAID    *.adswizz.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    permutive-id    *permutive.com    6 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    OAID    *.adswizz.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    OAID    *.adswizz.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    OAID    *.adswizz.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    permutive-id    *permutive.com    6 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    OAID    *.adswizz.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    permutive-id    *permutive.com    6 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    OAID    *.adswizz.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    permutive-id    *permutive.com    6 Month(s)

OneTag Limited stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 730 Day(s) (63072000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
OneTag Limited
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    OTP    onetag-sys.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    onetag_sid    *    
Select basic ads    OTP    onetag-sys.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    onetag_sid    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    OTP    onetag-sys.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    onetag_sid    *    
Select personalised ads    OTP    onetag-sys.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    onetag_sid    *    
Measure ad performance    OTP    onetag-sys.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    onetag_sid    *    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    OTP    onetag-sys.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    onetag_sid    *    
Develop and improve products    OTP    onetag-sys.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    onetag_sid    *    

OpenX stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    i    *.openx.net    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    i    *.openx.net    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    i    *.openx.net    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    i    *.openx.net    11 Month(s)

Outbrain UK Ltd stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 90 Day(s) (7776000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Outbrain UK Ltd
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    optout    *.outbrain.com    4 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tick    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    obsessionid-{}    *.outbrain.com    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    thirdparty    *.outbrain.com    1 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-CLDT    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-CNSNT-2    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-TPCS    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-OD-LSD    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OBD-UD-TS    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-USER-TOKEN-CREATION    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-AD-BLOCKER-STAT    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-AD-BLOCKER-WL-STAT    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-PUB-IN    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-FD-TO    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-FDE    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-CCPA    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-INTERACTION-STASH    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-lastPageViewInfo    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB:LSU    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-SKELETON-STRUCT    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-EM-FREQUENCY    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-RN-FREQUENCY    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-SEID    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-SYNC    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    OB-SYNC-TTL    *.outbrain.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    outbrain_click_id    *    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    outbrain_cid_fetch    *    5 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    recs-{}    *.outbrain.com    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ref-{}    *.outbrain.com    1 Second(s)
Select basic ads    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Select basic ads    OB-AD-BLOCKER-WL-STAT    *.outbrain.com    
Select basic ads    OB-CCPA    *.outbrain.com    
Select basic ads    OB-EM-FREQUENCY    *.outbrain.com    
Select basic ads    OB-RN-FREQUENCY    *.outbrain.com    
Select basic ads    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    recs-{}    *.outbrain.com    1 Second(s)
Select basic ads    ref-{}    *.outbrain.com    1 Second(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Create a personalised ads profile    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Select personalised ads    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Create a personalised content profile    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised content    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised content    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Select personalised content    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    obsessionid-{}    *.outbrain.com    30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    OB-CLDT    *.outbrain.com    
Measure ad performance    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Measure ad performance    OB-AD-BLOCKER-WL-STAT    *.outbrain.com    
Measure ad performance    OB-PUB-IN    *.outbrain.com    
Measure ad performance    OB-CCPA    *.outbrain.com    
Measure ad performance    OB-SEID    *.outbrain.com    
Measure ad performance    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    outbrain_click_id    *    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    outbrain_cid_fetch    *    5 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    ref-{}    *.outbrain.com    1 Second(s)
Measure content performance    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Measure content performance    obsessionid-{}    *.outbrain.com    30 Second(s)
Measure content performance    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Measure content performance    OB-AD-BLOCKER-WL-STAT    *.outbrain.com    
Measure content performance    OB-PUB-IN    *.outbrain.com    
Measure content performance    OB-CCPA    *.outbrain.com    
Measure content performance    OB-SEID    *.outbrain.com    
Measure content performance    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Measure content performance    ref-{}    *.outbrain.com    1 Second(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    obsessionid-{}    *.outbrain.com    30 Second(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    OB-CLDT    *.outbrain.com    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    OB-SEID    *.outbrain.com    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    outbrain_click_id    *    1 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    outbrain_cid_fetch    *    5 Second(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    ref-{}    *.outbrain.com    1 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    obuid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    obsessionid-{}    *.outbrain.com    30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    OB-CLDT    *.outbrain.com    
Develop and improve products    OB-USER-TOKEN    *.outbrain.com    
Develop and improve products    OB-lastPageViewInfo    *.outbrain.com    
Develop and improve products    OB-SKELETON-STRUCT    *.outbrain.com    
Develop and improve products    OB-SEID    *.outbrain.com    
Develop and improve products    auid    *.outbrain.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    outbrain_click_id    *    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    outbrain_cid_fetch    *    5 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    ref-{}    *.outbrain.com    1 Second(s)

PubMatic, Inc stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 90 Day(s) (7776000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
PubMatic, Inc
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    KADUSERCOOKIE    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_[DSPID]    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    R_[DSPID]    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    PUBRETARGET    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    PugT    *.pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KCCH    *.ads.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    SyncRTB2    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    SyncRTB3    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DPSync2    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DPSync3    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KTPCACOOKIE    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    FPtrust    *.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    DPPIX_ON    *.ads.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    SYNCUPPIX_ON    *.ads.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    PMFREQ_ON    *.ads.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    USCC    *.pubmatic.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    camfreq_<SITEID>    *.pubmatic.com    4 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pubfreq_<SITEID>    *.pubmatic.com    4 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    COKENBLD    *.ads.pubmatic.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    PUBUIDSYNCUPFQ    *.ads.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    DPFQ    *.ads.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pi    *.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    repi    *.ads.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    ipc    *.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    SPugT    *.pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    optout    *.pubmatic.com    4 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    PUBMDCID    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pubtime_<SITEID>    *.pubmatic.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pp    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _curtime    *.pubmatic.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    PMDTSHR    *.ads.pubmatic.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dV    *.pubmatic.com    3 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    TEMPHPAUSRBKCNT_<site_id>_<section_id>    *.pubmatic.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    HPAUSRBK_<site_id>_<section_id>    *.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    UND    *.pubmatic.com    1 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    SSCS    *.pubmatic.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    chk    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    chkSecSet    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    chkChromeAb67    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    chkChromeAb67Sec    *.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    PM-UL-Sync    *.ads.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uids    *.ow.pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    aid_key    *.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    limited_tracking_ad_key    *.pubmatic.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    chkChromeAb67Sec    pubmatic.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    DPSync3    pubmatic.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    _gd1671087180214    com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    _gd1671087182244    com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    *id        8 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ipc    pubmatic.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    KADUSERCOOKIE    pubmatic.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_1003    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_107    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_1101    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_1251    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_1278    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_1305    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_148    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_153    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_188    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_218    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_22    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_27    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_279    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_286    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_32    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_336    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_377    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_391    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_409    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_466    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_469    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_52    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_57    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_594    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_699    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_80    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_860    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_904    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KRTBCOOKIE_964    pubmatic.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    KTPCACOOKIE    pubmatic.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    _lc2_fpi    deadspin.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _li_dcdm_c    com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    _lr_retry_request        session
Store and/or access information on a device    panoramaId        session
Store and/or access information on a device    pi    pubmatic.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    PugT    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _rdc1671062874353        session
Store and/or access information on a device    _rdc1671087180132        session
Store and/or access information on a device    _rdc1671088496210        session
Store and/or access information on a device    _rdc1671113613049        session
Store and/or access information on a device    _rdc1671114643290        session
Store and/or access information on a device    *_s        30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    SPugT    pubmatic.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    SyncRTB3    pubmatic.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    *_u        30 Day(s)

PulsePoint, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
PulsePoint, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    V    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    cwbh1    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pb_rtb_ev    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    CWOptOut    contextweb.com    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    cw    contextweb.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    wf    contextweb.com    7 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vf    contextweb.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    gdpr    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ccpa    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rs    contextweb.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    INGRESSCOOKIE    bh.contextweb.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    JSESSIONID    bh.contextweb.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    bhsp    contextweb.com    
Select basic ads    V    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    cwbh1    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    pb_rtb_ev    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    CWOptOut    contextweb.com    5 Year(s)
Select basic ads    cw    contextweb.com    session
Select basic ads    wf    contextweb.com    7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    vf    contextweb.com    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    gdpr    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    ccpa    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    rs    contextweb.com    
Select basic ads    INGRESSCOOKIE    bh.contextweb.com    session
Select basic ads    JSESSIONID    bh.contextweb.com    session
Select basic ads    bhsp    contextweb.com    
Create a personalised ads profile    V    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    cwbh1    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    pb_rtb_ev    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    CWOptOut    contextweb.com    5 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    cw    contextweb.com    session
Create a personalised ads profile    wf    contextweb.com    7 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    vf    contextweb.com    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    gdpr    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    ccpa    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    rs    contextweb.com    
Create a personalised ads profile    INGRESSCOOKIE    bh.contextweb.com    session
Create a personalised ads profile    JSESSIONID    bh.contextweb.com    session
Create a personalised ads profile    bhsp    contextweb.com    
Select personalised ads    V    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    cwbh1    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    pb_rtb_ev    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    CWOptOut    contextweb.com    5 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    cw    contextweb.com    session
Select personalised ads    wf    contextweb.com    7 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    vf    contextweb.com    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    gdpr    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    ccpa    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    rs    contextweb.com    
Select personalised ads    INGRESSCOOKIE    bh.contextweb.com    session
Select personalised ads    JSESSIONID    bh.contextweb.com    session
Select personalised ads    bhsp    contextweb.com    
Measure ad performance    V    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    cwbh1    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    pb_rtb_ev    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    CWOptOut    contextweb.com    5 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    cw    contextweb.com    session
Measure ad performance    wf    contextweb.com    7 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    vf    contextweb.com    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    gdpr    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    ccpa    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    rs    contextweb.com    
Measure ad performance    INGRESSCOOKIE    bh.contextweb.com    session
Measure ad performance    JSESSIONID    bh.contextweb.com    session
Measure ad performance    bhsp    contextweb.com    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    V    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    cwbh1    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    pb_rtb_ev    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    CWOptOut    contextweb.com    5 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    cw    contextweb.com    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    wf    contextweb.com    7 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    vf    contextweb.com    1 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    gdpr    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    ccpa    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    rs    contextweb.com    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    INGRESSCOOKIE    bh.contextweb.com    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    JSESSIONID    bh.contextweb.com    session
Apply market research to generate audience insights    bhsp    contextweb.com    
Develop and improve products    V    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    cwbh1    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    pb_rtb_ev    contextweb.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    CWOptOut    contextweb.com    5 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    cw    contextweb.com    session
Develop and improve products    wf    contextweb.com    7 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    vf    contextweb.com    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    gdpr    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    ccpa    contextweb.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    rs    contextweb.com    
Develop and improve products    INGRESSCOOKIE    bh.contextweb.com    session
Develop and improve products    JSESSIONID    bh.contextweb.com    session
Develop and improve products    bhsp    contextweb.com    

Quantcast stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 396.99 Day(s) (34300000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    __qca    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    mc    *.quantserve.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    d    *.quantserve.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    qoo    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    qor    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    __qca    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    mc    *.quantserve.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    d    *.quantserve.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    qoo    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    qor    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    __qca    *    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    mc    *.quantserve.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    d    *.quantserve.com    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    qoo    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    qor    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    __qca    *    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    mc    *.quantserve.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    d    *.quantserve.com    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    qoo    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    qor    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    __qca    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    mc    *.quantserve.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    d    *.quantserve.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    qoo    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    qor    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Measure content performance    __qca    *    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    mc    *.quantserve.com    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    d    *.quantserve.com    2 Month(s)
Measure content performance    qoo    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Measure content performance    qor    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    __qca    *    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    mc    *.quantserve.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    d    *.quantserve.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    qoo    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    qor    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    __qca    *    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    mc    *.quantserve.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    d    *.quantserve.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    qoo    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    qor    *.quantserve.com    9 Year(s)

Relevant Digital Oy stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 90 Day(s) (7776000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Relevant Digital Oy
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device

Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    uids    *.relevant-digital.com    2 Month(s)

Samba TV, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 390 Day(s) (33696000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Samba TV, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    sambapxid    pixel.mtrcs.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    sambapxid    pixel.mtrcs.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    sambapxid    pixel.mtrcs.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    sambapxid    pixel.mtrcs.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    sambapxid    pixel.mtrcs.samba.tv    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    samba_device_id    ads.samba.tv    1 Year(s)

Score Media Group GmbH & Co. KG stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 90 Day(s) (7776000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Score Media Group GmbH & Co. KG
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)
Select personalised content    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Select personalised content    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)
Measure content performance    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Measure content performance    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    *_uid        2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    *_uid    *.tag.score-media.de    2 Month(s)

Sharethrough, Inc stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 30 Day(s) (2592000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Sharethrough, Inc
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads

Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    sharethrough-id    sharethrough.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    sharethrough.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *_u    sharethrough.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    sharethrough-id    sharethrough.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    sharethrough-id    sharethrough.com    30 Day(s)

Simplifi Holdings Inc stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 366 Day(s) (31622399 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
Simplifi Holdings Inc
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Develop and improve products

• Link different devices
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    suid*        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uid_syncd*        7 Day(s)
Select basic ads    suid*        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    uid_syncd*        7 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    suid*        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    uid_syncd*        7 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    suid*        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    uid_syncd*        7 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    suid*        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    uid_syncd*        7 Day(s)

Smart Adserver stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 396 Day(s) (34214395 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
Smart Adserver
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    pid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pdomid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pbw    *.smartadserver.com    2 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sasd    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sasd2    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    comp    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    partner-*    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vs    *.smartadserver.com    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    csync    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    csfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    cnfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    gid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dyncdn    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    Trk*    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    TestIfCookie    *.smartadserver.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    TestIfCookieP    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    x-smrt-d    *.smartadserver.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    sas_euconsent    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sas_euconsentv2    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lcsrd    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rpools    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    pid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    pdomid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    pbw    *.smartadserver.com    2 Day(s)
Select basic ads    sasd    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    sasd2    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    comp    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    partner-*    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    vs    *.smartadserver.com    30 Second(s)
Select basic ads    csync    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    csfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Select basic ads    cnfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Select basic ads    gid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    dyncdn    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    Trk*    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    TestIfCookie    *.smartadserver.com    session
Select basic ads    TestIfCookieP    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    x-smrt-d    *.smartadserver.com    session
Select basic ads    sas_euconsent    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    sas_euconsentv2    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    lcsrd    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    rpools    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    pid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    pdomid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    pbw    *.smartadserver.com    2 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    sasd    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    sasd2    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    comp    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    partner-*    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    vs    *.smartadserver.com    30 Second(s)
Select personalised ads    csync    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    csfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Select personalised ads    cnfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Select personalised ads    gid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    dyncdn    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    Trk*    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    TestIfCookie    *.smartadserver.com    session
Select personalised ads    TestIfCookieP    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    x-smrt-d    *.smartadserver.com    session
Select personalised ads    sas_euconsent    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    sas_euconsentv2    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    lcsrd    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    rpools    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    pid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    pdomid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    pbw    *.smartadserver.com    2 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    sasd    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    sasd2    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    comp    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    partner-*    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    vs    *.smartadserver.com    30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    csync    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    csfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Measure ad performance    cnfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Measure ad performance    gid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    dyncdn    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    Trk*    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    TestIfCookie    *.smartadserver.com    session
Measure ad performance    TestIfCookieP    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    x-smrt-d    *.smartadserver.com    session
Measure ad performance    sas_euconsent    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    sas_euconsentv2    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    lcsrd    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    rpools    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    pid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    pdomid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    pbw    *.smartadserver.com    2 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    sasd    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    sasd2    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    comp    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    partner-*    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    vs    *.smartadserver.com    30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    csync    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    csfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    cnfq    *.smartadserver.com    6 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    gid    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    dyncdn    *.smartadserver.com    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    Trk*    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    TestIfCookie    *.smartadserver.com    session
Develop and improve products    TestIfCookieP    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    x-smrt-d    *.smartadserver.com    session
Develop and improve products    sas_euconsent    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    sas_euconsentv2    *.smartadserver.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    lcsrd    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    rpools    *.smartadserver.com    11 Month(s)

Snigel Web Services Limited stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 90 Day(s) (7776000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Snigel Web Services Limited
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    uids    *.snigelweb.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    uids    *.snigelweb.com    2 Month(s)

Sourcepoint Technologies, Inc. (non-CMP) stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 395 Day(s) (34128000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
Sourcepoint Technologies, Inc. (non-CMP)
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Develop and improve products

Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    _sp_v1_csv    *    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _sp_v1_ss    *    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _sp_v1_data    *    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _sp_v1_opt    *    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _sp_v1_lt    *    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _sp_v1_lt    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    _sp_v1_csv    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    _sp_v1_ss    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    _sp_v1_data    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    _sp_v1_opt    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    _sp_v1_lt    *    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    _sp_v1_lt    *    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    _sp_v1_csv    *    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    _sp_v1_ss    *    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    _sp_v1_data    *    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    _sp_v1_opt    *    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    _sp_v1_lt    *    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    _sp_v1_lt    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _sp_v1_csv    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _sp_v1_ss    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _sp_v1_data    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _sp_v1_opt    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _sp_v1_lt    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    _sp_v1_lt    *    30 Day(s)

Sovrn Holdings Inc stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).
Sovrn Holdings Inc
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Create a personalised content profile
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    ljt_reader        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijrtb        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijrtb_refresh        14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijrtbexp        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    3pids        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    opting_out        19 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijitPage_14day_c026        14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijitPage_30day_c026        30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijitPage_default_c026        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.Agent.p        9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.OptOut.t        9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.PartnerOptOut        9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.PartnerRfsh        9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.PartnerOptOut        9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ljt_reader    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijrtb    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijrtb_refresh    lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijrtbexp    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    3pids    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    opting_out    lijit.com    19 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijitPage_14day_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijitPage_30day_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    lijitPage_default_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.Agent.p    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.OptOut.t    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.PartnerOptOut    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.PartnerRfsh    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vglnk.PartnerOptOut    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    ljt_reader        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    lijrtb        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    lijrtb_refresh        14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    lijrtbexp        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    3pids        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    vglnk.Agent.p        9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    vglnk.PartnerRfsh        9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    ljt_reader    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    lijrtb    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    lijrtb_refresh    lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Select basic ads    lijrtbexp    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    3pids    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    vglnk.Agent.p    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Select basic ads    vglnk.PartnerRfsh    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    ljt_reader        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    lijrtb        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    lijrtb_refresh        14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    lijrtbexp        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    3pids        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    vglnk.Agent.p        9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    vglnk.PartnerRfsh        9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    ljt_reader    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    lijrtb    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    lijrtb_refresh    lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    lijrtbexp    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    3pids    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    vglnk.Agent.p    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    vglnk.PartnerRfsh    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    ljt_reader        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    lijrtb        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    lijrtb_refresh        14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    lijrtbexp        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    3pids        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    vglnk.Agent.p        9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    vglnk.PartnerRfsh        9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    ljt_reader    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    lijrtb    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    lijrtb_refresh    lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    lijrtbexp    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    3pids    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    vglnk.Agent.p    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    vglnk.PartnerRfsh    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Measure content performance    ljt_reader        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    lijrtb        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    lijrtb_refresh        14 Day(s)
Measure content performance    lijrtbexp        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    3pids        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    lijitPage_14day_c026        14 Day(s)
Measure content performance    lijitPage_30day_c026        30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    lijitPage_default_c026        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    vglnk.Agent.p        9 Year(s)
Measure content performance    vglnk.PartnerRfsh        9 Year(s)
Measure content performance    ljt_reader    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    lijrtb    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    lijrtb_refresh    lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Measure content performance    lijrtbexp    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    3pids    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    lijitPage_14day_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Measure content performance    lijitPage_30day_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    lijitPage_default_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    vglnk.Agent.p    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Measure content performance    vglnk.PartnerRfsh    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    ljt_reader        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijrtb        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijrtb_refresh        14 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijrtbexp        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    3pids        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijitPage_14day_c026        14 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijitPage_30day_c026        30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijitPage_default_c026        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    vglnk.Agent.p        9 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    vglnk.PartnerRfsh        9 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    ljt_reader    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijrtb    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijrtb_refresh    lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijrtbexp    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    3pids    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijitPage_14day_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijitPage_30day_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    lijitPage_default_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    vglnk.Agent.p    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    vglnk.PartnerRfsh    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    ljt_reader        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    lijrtb        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    lijrtb_refresh        14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    lijrtbexp        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    3pids        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    lijitPage_14day_c026        14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    lijitPage_30day_c026        30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    lijitPage_default_c026        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    vglnk.Agent.p        9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    vglnk.PartnerRfsh        9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    ljt_reader    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    lijrtb    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    lijrtb_refresh    lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    lijrtbexp    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    3pids    lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    lijitPage_14day_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    14 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    lijitPage_30day_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    lijitPage_default_c026    pxdrop.lijit.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    vglnk.Agent.p    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    vglnk.PartnerRfsh    *.viglink.com    9 Year(s)

SpotX, Inc stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365.05 Day(s) (31539996 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
SpotX, Inc
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    audience        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _ga        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gid        1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    opt_out        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    2faktor        30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    audience    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _ga    *.spotxchange.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _gid    *.spotxchange.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    opt_out    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    2faktor    *.spotxchange.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    audience        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _ga        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _gid        1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    opt_out        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    2faktor        30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    audience    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _ga    *.spotxchange.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _gid    *.spotxchange.com    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    opt_out    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    2faktor    *.spotxchange.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    audience        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _ga        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gid        1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    opt_out        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    2faktor        30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    audience    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _ga    *.spotxchange.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _gid    *.spotxchange.com    1 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    opt_out    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    2faktor    *.spotxchange.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    audience        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _ga        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _gid        1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    opt_out        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    2faktor        30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    audience    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _ga    *.spotxchange.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _gid    *.spotxchange.com    1 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    opt_out    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    2faktor    *.spotxchange.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    audience        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _ga        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _gid        1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    opt_out        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    2faktor        30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    audience    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _ga    *.spotxchange.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _gid    *.spotxchange.com    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    opt_out    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    2faktor    *.spotxchange.com    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    audience        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    _ga        1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    _gid        1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    opt_out        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    2faktor        30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    audience    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    _ga    *.spotxchange.com    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    _gid    *.spotxchange.com    1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    opt_out    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    2faktor    *.spotxchange.com    30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    audience        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _ga        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gid        1 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    opt_out        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    2faktor        30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    audience    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _ga    *.spotxchange.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _gid    *.spotxchange.com    1 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    opt_out    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    2faktor    *.spotxchange.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    audience        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _ga        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    _gid        1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    opt_out        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    2faktor        30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    audience    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _ga    *.spotxchange.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    _gid    *.spotxchange.com    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    opt_out    *.spotxchange.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    2faktor    *.spotxchange.com    30 Day(s)

SpringServe, LLC stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 364 Day(s) (31449600 Second(s)).
SpringServe, LLC
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Select personalised ads
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    ssid        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sst        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dnt        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ssid    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sst    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    dnt    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    ssid        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    sst        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    dnt        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    ssid    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    sst    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    dnt    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    ssid        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    sst        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    dnt        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    ssid    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    sst    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    dnt    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    ssid        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    sst        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    dnt        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    ssid    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    sst    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    dnt    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    ssid        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    sst        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    dnt        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    ssid    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    sst    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    dnt    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    ssid        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    sst        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    dnt        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    ssid    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    sst    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    dnt    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    ssid        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    sst        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dnt        11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    ssid    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    sst    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    dnt    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    ssid        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    sst        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    dnt        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    ssid    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    sst    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    dnt    *.springserve.com    11 Month(s)

StackAdapt stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    sa-user-id    *.srv.stackadapt.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sa-user-id-v2    *.srv.stackadapt.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sa-camp-*    *    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sa_aid_pv    *    1 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sa_*_sid    *    1 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sa_*_adurl    *    1 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sa-user-id    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sa-user-id-v2    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sa-user-id    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    sa-user-id-v2    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    sa-camp-*    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    *id        session
Create a personalised ads profile    sa-user-id    *.srv.stackadapt.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    sa-user-id-v2    *.srv.stackadapt.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    sa-user-id    *    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    sa-user-id-v2    *    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    sa-user-id    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    sa-user-id-v2    *    session
Select personalised ads    sa-user-id    *.srv.stackadapt.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    sa-user-id-v2    *.srv.stackadapt.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    sa-user-id    *    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    sa-user-id-v2    *    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    sa-user-id    *    session
Select personalised ads    sa-user-id-v2    *    session

Taboola Europe Limited stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365.24 Day(s) (31556926 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Taboola Europe Limited
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola_session_id        
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola_select        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola_fp_td_user_id        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    t_gid        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    trc_cookie_storage        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _tb_sess_r        30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _tb_t_ppg        30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    abLdr        3 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    abMbl        3 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tb_click_param        
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola global:local-storage-keys        
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola global:user-id        
Store and/or access information on a device    *:session-data        
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola global:tblci        
Store and/or access information on a device    tbl-exm-history        
Store and/or access information on a device    tbl-exm-apperance        
Store and/or access information on a device    trc_cache        
Store and/or access information on a device    trc_cache_by_placement        
Store and/or access information on a device    tbl-session-referrer        
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola global:lspb        
Store and/or access information on a device    tbl_rtus_id        
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory        
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent        
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.scrollDepth        
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.sessionDepth        
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.sessionStartTime        
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.timeOnSite        
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.ver        
Store and/or access information on a device    _data        1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    br        30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sessionid        1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rng        1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    roi_cookie        30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    redirect_data        30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    COu        30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    cnx_roi        30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola_session_id    *.taboola.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola_select    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola_fp_td_user_id    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    t_gid    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    trc_cookie_storage    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _tb_sess_r    *    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _tb_t_ppg    *    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    abLdr    *.taboola.com    3 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    abMbl    *.taboola.com    3 Hour(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tb_click_param    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola global:local-storage-keys    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola global:user-id    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola global:last-external-referrer    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    *:session-data    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola global:tblci    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    tbl-exm-history    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    tbl-exm-apperance    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    trc_cache    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    trc_cache_by_placement    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    tbl-session-referrer    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    taboola global:lspb    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    tbl_rtus_id    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.scrollDepth    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.sessionDepth    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.sessionStartTime    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.timeOnSite    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    eng_mt.ver    *    session
Store and/or access information on a device    _data    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    br    *.bizrate.com    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sessionid    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rng    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    roi_cookie    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    redirect_data    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    COu    *.connexity.net    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    cnx_roi    *    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    taboola_session_id        
Select basic ads    taboola_fp_td_user_id        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    t_gid        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    trc_cookie_storage        11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    taboola global:user-id        
Select basic ads    *:session-data        
Select basic ads    tbl-exm-history        
Select basic ads    tbl-exm-apperance        
Select basic ads    trc_cache        
Select basic ads    trc_cache_by_placement        
Select basic ads    tbl-session-referrer        
Select basic ads    taboola global:lspb        
Select basic ads    tbl_rtus_id        
Select basic ads    taboola_session_id    *.taboola.com    session
Select basic ads    taboola_fp_td_user_id    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    t_gid    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    trc_cookie_storage    *    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    taboola global:user-id    *    session
Select basic ads    taboola global:last-external-referrer    *    session
Select basic ads    *:session-data    *    session
Select basic ads    tbl-exm-history    *    session
Select basic ads    tbl-exm-apperance    *    session
Select basic ads    trc_cache    *    session
Select basic ads    trc_cache_by_placement    *    session
Select basic ads    tbl-session-referrer    *    session
Select basic ads    taboola global:lspb    *    session
Select basic ads    tbl_rtus_id    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola_session_id        
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola_select        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola_fp_td_user_id        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    t_gid        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    trc_cookie_storage        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola global:user-id        
Create a personalised ads profile    *:session-data        
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola global:tblci        
Create a personalised ads profile    tbl-exm-history        
Create a personalised ads profile    tbl-exm-apperance        
Create a personalised ads profile    tbl-session-referrer        
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola global:lspb        
Create a personalised ads profile    tbl_rtus_id        
Create a personalised ads profile    redirect_data        30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    COu        30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola_session_id    *.taboola.com    session
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola_select    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola_fp_td_user_id    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    t_gid    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    trc_cookie_storage    *    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola global:user-id    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola global:last-external-referrer    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    *:session-data    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola global:tblci    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    tbl-exm-history    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    tbl-exm-apperance    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    tbl-session-referrer    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    taboola global:lspb    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    tbl_rtus_id    *    session
Create a personalised ads profile    redirect_data    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    COu    *.connexity.net    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    taboola_session_id        
Select personalised ads    taboola_select        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    taboola_fp_td_user_id        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    t_gid        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    trc_cookie_storage        11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    taboola global:user-id        
Select personalised ads    *:session-data        
Select personalised ads    taboola global:tblci        
Select personalised ads    tbl-exm-history        
Select personalised ads    tbl-exm-apperance        
Select personalised ads    tbl-session-referrer        
Select personalised ads    taboola global:lspb        
Select personalised ads    tbl_rtus_id        
Select personalised ads    redirect_data        30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    COu        30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    taboola_session_id    *.taboola.com    session
Select personalised ads    taboola_select    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    taboola_fp_td_user_id    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    t_gid    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    trc_cookie_storage    *    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    taboola global:user-id    *    session
Select personalised ads    taboola global:last-external-referrer    *    session
Select personalised ads    *:session-data    *    session
Select personalised ads    taboola global:tblci    *    session
Select personalised ads    tbl-exm-history    *    session
Select personalised ads    tbl-exm-apperance    *    session
Select personalised ads    tbl-session-referrer    *    session
Select personalised ads    taboola global:lspb    *    session
Select personalised ads    tbl_rtus_id    *    session
Select personalised ads    redirect_data    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    COu    *.connexity.net    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    taboola_session_id        
Create a personalised content profile    taboola_select        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    taboola_fp_td_user_id        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    t_gid        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    trc_cookie_storage        11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _tb_sess_r        30 Second(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _tb_t_ppg        30 Second(s)
Create a personalised content profile    taboola global:user-id        
Create a personalised content profile    *:session-data        
Create a personalised content profile    taboola global:tblci        
Create a personalised content profile    tbl-exm-history        
Create a personalised content profile    tbl-exm-apperance        
Create a personalised content profile    tbl-session-referrer        
Create a personalised content profile    taboola global:lspb        
Create a personalised content profile    tbl_rtus_id        
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory        
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent        
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.scrollDepth        
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.sessionDepth        
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.sessionStartTime        
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.timeOnSite        
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.ver        
Create a personalised content profile    taboola_session_id    *.taboola.com    session
Create a personalised content profile    taboola_select    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    taboola_fp_td_user_id    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    t_gid    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    trc_cookie_storage    *    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _tb_sess_r    *    30 Second(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _tb_t_ppg    *    30 Second(s)
Create a personalised content profile    taboola global:user-id    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    taboola global:last-external-referrer    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    *:session-data    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    taboola global:tblci    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    tbl-exm-history    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    tbl-exm-apperance    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    tbl-session-referrer    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    taboola global:lspb    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    tbl_rtus_id    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.scrollDepth    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.sessionDepth    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.sessionStartTime    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.timeOnSite    *    session
Create a personalised content profile    eng_mt.ver    *    session
Select personalised content    taboola_session_id        
Select personalised content    taboola_select        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    taboola_fp_td_user_id        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    t_gid        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    trc_cookie_storage        11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    _tb_sess_r        30 Second(s)
Select personalised content    _tb_t_ppg        30 Second(s)
Select personalised content    taboola global:user-id        
Select personalised content    *:session-data        
Select personalised content    taboola global:tblci        
Select personalised content    tbl-exm-history        
Select personalised content    tbl-exm-apperance        
Select personalised content    tbl-session-referrer        
Select personalised content    taboola global:lspb        
Select personalised content    tbl_rtus_id        
Select personalised content    eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory        
Select personalised content    eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent        
Select personalised content    eng_mt.scrollDepth        
Select personalised content    eng_mt.sessionDepth        
Select personalised content    eng_mt.sessionStartTime        
Select personalised content    eng_mt.timeOnSite        
Select personalised content    eng_mt.ver        
Select personalised content    taboola_session_id    *.taboola.com    session
Select personalised content    taboola_select    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    taboola_fp_td_user_id    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    t_gid    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    trc_cookie_storage    *    11 Month(s)
Select personalised content    _tb_sess_r    *    30 Second(s)
Select personalised content    _tb_t_ppg    *    30 Second(s)
Select personalised content    taboola global:user-id    *    session
Select personalised content    taboola global:last-external-referrer    *    session
Select personalised content    *:session-data    *    session
Select personalised content    taboola global:tblci    *    session
Select personalised content    tbl-exm-history    *    session
Select personalised content    tbl-exm-apperance    *    session
Select personalised content    tbl-session-referrer    *    session
Select personalised content    taboola global:lspb    *    session
Select personalised content    tbl_rtus_id    *    session
Select personalised content    eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory    *    session
Select personalised content    eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent    *    session
Select personalised content    eng_mt.scrollDepth    *    session
Select personalised content    eng_mt.sessionDepth    *    session
Select personalised content    eng_mt.sessionStartTime    *    session
Select personalised content    eng_mt.timeOnSite    *    session
Select personalised content    eng_mt.ver    *    session
Measure ad performance    taboola_session_id        
Measure ad performance    taboola_fp_td_user_id        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    t_gid        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    trc_cookie_storage        11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    taboola global:user-id        
Measure ad performance    *:session-data        
Measure ad performance    taboola global:tblci        
Measure ad performance    tbl-exm-history        
Measure ad performance    tbl-exm-apperance        
Measure ad performance    tbl-session-referrer        
Measure ad performance    taboola global:lspb        
Measure ad performance    tbl_rtus_id        
Measure ad performance    _data        1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    br        30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    sessionid        1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    rng        1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    roi_cookie        30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    redirect_data        30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    COu        30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    cnx_roi        30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    taboola_session_id    *.taboola.com    session
Measure ad performance    taboola_fp_td_user_id    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    t_gid    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    trc_cookie_storage    *    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    taboola global:user-id    *    session
Measure ad performance    taboola global:last-external-referrer    *    session
Measure ad performance    *:session-data    *    session
Measure ad performance    taboola global:tblci    *    session
Measure ad performance    tbl-exm-history    *    session
Measure ad performance    tbl-exm-apperance    *    session
Measure ad performance    tbl-session-referrer    *    session
Measure ad performance    taboola global:lspb    *    session
Measure ad performance    tbl_rtus_id    *    session
Measure ad performance    _data    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    br    *.bizrate.com    30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    sessionid    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    rng    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    roi_cookie    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    redirect_data    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    COu    *.connexity.net    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    cnx_roi    *    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    taboola_session_id        
Measure content performance    taboola_fp_td_user_id        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    t_gid        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    trc_cookie_storage        11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    abLdr        3 Hour(s)
Measure content performance    abMbl        3 Hour(s)
Measure content performance    tb_click_param        
Measure content performance    taboola global:user-id        
Measure content performance    *:session-data        
Measure content performance    taboola global:tblci        
Measure content performance    tbl-exm-history        
Measure content performance    tbl-exm-apperance        
Measure content performance    tbl-session-referrer        
Measure content performance    taboola global:lspb        
Measure content performance    tbl_rtus_id        
Measure content performance    _data        1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    br        30 Second(s)
Measure content performance    sessionid        1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    rng        1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    roi_cookie        30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    redirect_data        30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    COu        30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    cnx_roi        30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    taboola_session_id    *.taboola.com    session
Measure content performance    taboola_fp_td_user_id    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    t_gid    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    trc_cookie_storage    *    11 Month(s)
Measure content performance    abLdr    *.taboola.com    3 Hour(s)
Measure content performance    abMbl    *.taboola.com    3 Hour(s)
Measure content performance    tb_click_param    *    
Measure content performance    taboola global:user-id    *    session
Measure content performance    taboola global:last-external-referrer    *    session
Measure content performance    *:session-data    *    session
Measure content performance    taboola global:tblci    *    session
Measure content performance    tbl-exm-history    *    session
Measure content performance    tbl-exm-apperance    *    session
Measure content performance    tbl-session-referrer    *    session
Measure content performance    taboola global:lspb    *    session
Measure content performance    tbl_rtus_id    *    session
Measure content performance    _data    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    br    *.bizrate.com    30 Second(s)
Measure content performance    sessionid    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    rng    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Measure content performance    roi_cookie    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    redirect_data    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    COu    *.connexity.net    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    cnx_roi    *    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    taboola_session_id        
Develop and improve products    taboola_fp_td_user_id        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    t_gid        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    trc_cookie_storage        11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _tb_sess_r        30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    _tb_t_ppg        30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    abLdr        3 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    abMbl        3 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    tb_click_param        
Develop and improve products    taboola global:user-id        
Develop and improve products    *:session-data        
Develop and improve products    taboola global:tblci        
Develop and improve products    tbl-exm-history        
Develop and improve products    tbl-exm-apperance        
Develop and improve products    trc_cache        
Develop and improve products    trc_cache_by_placement        
Develop and improve products    tbl-session-referrer        
Develop and improve products    taboola global:lspb        
Develop and improve products    tbl_rtus_id        
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory        
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent        
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.scrollDepth        
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.sessionDepth        
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.sessionStartTime        
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.timeOnSite        
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.ver        
Develop and improve products    _data        1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    br        30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    sessionid        1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    rng        1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    roi_cookie        30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    redirect_data        30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    COu        30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    cnx_roi        30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    taboola_session_id    *.taboola.com    session
Develop and improve products    taboola_fp_td_user_id    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    t_gid    *.taboola.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    trc_cookie_storage    *    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _tb_sess_r    *    30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    _tb_t_ppg    *    30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    abLdr    *.taboola.com    3 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    abMbl    *.taboola.com    3 Hour(s)
Develop and improve products    tb_click_param    *    
Develop and improve products    taboola global:user-id    *    session
Develop and improve products    taboola global:last-external-referrer    *    session
Develop and improve products    *:session-data    *    session
Develop and improve products    taboola global:tblci    *    session
Develop and improve products    tbl-exm-history    *    session
Develop and improve products    tbl-exm-apperance    *    session
Develop and improve products    trc_cache    *    session
Develop and improve products    trc_cache_by_placement    *    session
Develop and improve products    tbl-session-referrer    *    session
Develop and improve products    taboola global:lspb    *    session
Develop and improve products    tbl_rtus_id    *    session
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.crossSessionsData.SessionsHistory    *    session
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.numOfTimesMetricsSent    *    session
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.scrollDepth    *    session
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.sessionDepth    *    session
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.sessionStartTime    *    session
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.timeOnSite    *    session
Develop and improve products    eng_mt.ver    *    session
Develop and improve products    _data    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    br    *.bizrate.com    30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    sessionid    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    rng    *.bizrate.com    1 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    roi_cookie    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    redirect_data    *.bizrate.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    COu    *.connexity.net    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    cnx_roi    *    30 Day(s)

Teads France SAS stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).
Teads France SAS
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_viewer    teads.tv    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_bluekai    teads.tv    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_emetriq    teads.tv    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_exelate    teads.tv    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_liveramp    teads.tv    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_neustar    teads.tv    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_retargetly    teads.tv    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_salesforce    teads.tv    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_skp    teads.tv    1 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tt_dar    teads.tv    1 Day(s)
Select basic ads    tt_viewer    teads.tv    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tt_viewer    teads.tv    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tt_viewer    teads.tv    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tt_viewer    teads.tv    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tt_viewer    teads.tv    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tt_viewer    teads.tv    11 Month(s)

The Trade Desk stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
The Trade Desk
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    tdid    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tdcmp    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *DID    adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    TDCPM    adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tdid    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tdcmp    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tdid    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    tdcmp    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tdid    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    tdcmp    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tdid    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tdcmp    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tdid    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tdcmp    *.adsrvr.org    11 Month(s)

Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

TripleLift, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 90 Day(s) (7776000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
TripleLift, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Measure ad performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    TLUID    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    tluid    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sync    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    TLUID    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    tluid    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    sync    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    TLUID    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    tluid    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    sync    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    TLUID    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    tluid    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    sync    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    TLUID    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    tluid    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    sync    *.3lift.com    2 Month(s)

Unruly Group LLC stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Unruly Group LLC
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Apply market research to generate audience insights

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    _rxuuid    *.1rx.io    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _rxuuid    *.targeting.unrulymedia.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    1rx.io    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _rxuuid    *.1rx.io    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    _rxuuid    *.targeting.unrulymedia.com    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _rxuuid    *.1rx.io    11 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _rxuuid    *.targeting.unrulymedia.com    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _rxuuid    *.1rx.io    11 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    _rxuuid    *.targeting.unrulymedia.com    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _rxuuid    *.1rx.io    11 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    _rxuuid    *.targeting.unrulymedia.com    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _rxuuid    *.1rx.io    11 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _rxuuid    *.targeting.unrulymedia.com    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _rxuuid    *.1rx.io    11 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    _rxuuid    *.targeting.unrulymedia.com    11 Month(s)

Wunderkind Corporation stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 390 Day(s) (33696000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.
Wunderkind Corporation
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    __3idcontext        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __idcontext        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __idcontext_*        
Store and/or access information on a device    __adcontext        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    API        1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    BXDID        1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    BXVID        1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    BXWID        1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __PT1CID        1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __PT1DID        1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    iv        1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    v        1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphGDPROptOut        5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphGDPROptOut        
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphv2CCPAOptOut        5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphv2CCPAOptOut        
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphOptOut        5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphYOCOptOut        5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bounceClientVisit*        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bounceClientVisit*v        30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bounceClientVisit*c        30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxl        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxc        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxc0        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxu        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxcr        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxm        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _ibx_ci        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxCatHist        
Store and/or access information on a device    bxProdHist        
Store and/or access information on a device    gdpr_opt_out        5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphv2CCPAOptOut        5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    yoc_token        11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __3idcontext    cdnwidget.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __idcontext    *    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __idcontext_*    cdnwidget.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    __adcontext    cdnwidget.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    API    *    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    BXDID    *    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    BXVID    *    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    BXWID    *    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __PT1CID    *    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __PT1DID    *    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    iv    *    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    v    *    1 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphGDPROptOut    *    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphGDPROptOut    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphv2CCPAOptOut    *    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphv2CCPAOptOut    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphOptOut    cdnwidget.com    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphYOCOptOut    cdnwidget.com    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bounceClientVisit*    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bounceClientVisit*v    *    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bounceClientVisit*c    bounceexchange.com    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxl    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxc    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxc0    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxu    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxcr    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    __ibxm    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _ibx_ci    *    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxCatHist    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    bxProdHist    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    gdpr_opt_out    bounceexchange.com    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    bxgraphv2CCPAOptOut    bounceexchange.com    5 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    yoc_token    cdnwidget.com    11 Month(s)

Xandr, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 90 Day(s) (7776000 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Xandr, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Measure ad performance
    Develop and improve products

• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    uuid2    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    uids    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    sess    *.adnxs.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    icu    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    anj    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    usersync    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    pses    *.adnxs.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    uuid2    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    uids    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    sess    *.adnxs.com    
Select basic ads    icu    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    anj    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    usersync    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Select basic ads    pses    *.adnxs.com    
Measure ad performance    uuid2    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    pses    *.adnxs.com    
Develop and improve products    uuid2    *.adnxs.com    2 Month(s)

Yahoo EMEA Limited stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 397 Day(s) (34300800 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Yahoo EMEA Limited
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    A3        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    optout        2 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _vm_datax_pixels        
Store and/or access information on a device    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vmcid        
Store and/or access information on a device    vmuuid        
Store and/or access information on a device    sp-pause-until'        
Store and/or access information on a device    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Store and/or access information on a device    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    vmcid    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    vmuuid    *    
Store and/or access information on a device    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    
Select basic ads    A3        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Select basic ads    optout        2 Year(s)
Select basic ads    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Select basic ads    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Select basic ads    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _vm_datax_pixels        
Select basic ads    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Select basic ads    vmcid        
Select basic ads    vmuuid        
Select basic ads    sp-pause-until'        
Select basic ads    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select basic ads    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select basic ads    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select basic ads    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select basic ads    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Select basic ads    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Select basic ads    vmcid    *    
Select basic ads    vmuuid    *    
Select basic ads    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    
Create a personalised ads profile    A3        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    optout        2 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _vm_datax_pixels        
Create a personalised ads profile    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    vmcid        
Create a personalised ads profile    vmuuid        
Create a personalised ads profile    sp-pause-until'        
Create a personalised ads profile    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Create a personalised ads profile    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    vmcid    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    vmuuid    *    
Create a personalised ads profile    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    
Select personalised ads    A3        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    optout        2 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _vm_datax_pixels        
Select personalised ads    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Select personalised ads    vmcid        
Select personalised ads    vmuuid        
Select personalised ads    sp-pause-until'        
Select personalised ads    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised ads    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised ads    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Select personalised ads    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Select personalised ads    vmcid    *    
Select personalised ads    vmuuid    *    
Select personalised ads    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    
Create a personalised content profile    A3        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    optout        2 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _vm_datax_pixels        
Create a personalised content profile    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Create a personalised content profile    vmcid        
Create a personalised content profile    vmuuid        
Create a personalised content profile    sp-pause-until'        
Create a personalised content profile    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Create a personalised content profile    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Create a personalised content profile    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Create a personalised content profile    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Create a personalised content profile    vmcid    *    
Create a personalised content profile    vmuuid    *    
Create a personalised content profile    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    
Select personalised content    A3        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Select personalised content    optout        2 Year(s)
Select personalised content    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Select personalised content    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Select personalised content    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    _vm_datax_pixels        
Select personalised content    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Select personalised content    vmcid        
Select personalised content    vmuuid        
Select personalised content    sp-pause-until'        
Select personalised content    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select personalised content    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select personalised content    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select personalised content    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Select personalised content    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Select personalised content    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Select personalised content    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Select personalised content    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Select personalised content    vmcid    *    
Select personalised content    vmuuid    *    
Select personalised content    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    
Measure ad performance    A3        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    optout        2 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _vm_datax_pixels        
Measure ad performance    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    vmcid        
Measure ad performance    vmuuid        
Measure ad performance    sp-pause-until'        
Measure ad performance    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Measure ad performance    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    vmcid    *    
Measure ad performance    vmuuid    *    
Measure ad performance    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    
Measure content performance    A3        1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Measure content performance    optout        2 Year(s)
Measure content performance    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Measure content performance    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Measure content performance    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    _vm_datax_pixels        
Measure content performance    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Measure content performance    vmcid        
Measure content performance    vmuuid        
Measure content performance    sp-pause-until'        
Measure content performance    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Measure content performance    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Measure content performance    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Measure content performance    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Measure content performance    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Measure content performance    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Measure content performance    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Measure content performance    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Measure content performance    vmcid    *    
Measure content performance    vmuuid    *    
Measure content performance    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    A3        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    optout        2 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _vm_datax_pixels        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    vmcid        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    vmuuid        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    sp-pause-until'        
Apply market research to generate audience insights    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    vmcid    *    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    vmuuid    *    
Apply market research to generate audience insights    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    
Develop and improve products    A3        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    migrated2y        2 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    optout        2 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    rtbdata0        2 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    unique_ad_source_impression        30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    token_adaptv_advertising_com        2 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    adaptv_unique_user_cookie        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    adaptv_unique_user_id        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    IDSYNC        1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    _vm_datax_pixels        
Develop and improve products    TEARSHEET        30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    vmcid        
Develop and improve products    vmuuid        
Develop and improve products    sp-pause-until'        
Develop and improve products    A3    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    migrated2y    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    optout    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    rtbdata0    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    unique_ad_source_impression    *.advertising.com    30 Day(s)
Develop and improve products    token_adaptv_advertising_com    *.advertising.com    2 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    adaptv_unique_user_cookie    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    adaptv_unique_user_id    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    IDSYNC    *.advertising.com    1 Year(s)
Develop and improve products    _vm_datax_pixels    *.advertising.com    
Develop and improve products    TEARSHEET    *.advertising.com    30 Second(s)
Develop and improve products    vmcid    *    
Develop and improve products    vmuuid    *    
Develop and improve products    sp-pause-until'    *.advertising.com    

Yieldmo, Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Yieldmo, Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Measure ad performance
    Measure content performance
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Store and/or access information on a device    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    consentadfm    ads.yieldmo.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    consentan    ads.yieldmo.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    consentbsw    ads.yieldmo.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    consentc    ads.yieldmo.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    consentcriteo    ads.yieldmo.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    consenteps    ads.yieldmo.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    consentmnt    ads.yieldmo.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    consentpub    ads.yieldmo.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    consentrc    ads.yieldmo.com    session
Store and/or access information on a device    *id    yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ptradfm    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ptran    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ptrbsw    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ptreps    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ptrmf    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ptrpub    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ptrrc    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ptrstk    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    ptrt    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Store and/or access information on a device    rptr    ads.yieldmo.com    11 Month(s)
Select basic ads    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)
Create a personalised ads profile    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)
Select personalised ads    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)
Create a personalised content profile    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)
Select personalised content    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)
Measure content performance    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)
Apply market research to generate audience insights    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)
Develop and improve products    yieldmo_id    *.yieldmo.com    1 Month(s)

Consent Purposes

    Store and/or access information on a device
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads

INBEV BELGIUM SRL stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 365 Day(s) (31536000 Second(s)).One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
Consent Purposes

    Select basic ads
    Create a personalised ads profile
    Select personalised ads
    Create a personalised content profile
    Select personalised content
    Apply market research to generate audience insights
    Develop and improve products

• Match and combine offline data sources
• Link different devices
• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
• Actively scan device characteristics for identification
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug

LiveIntent Inc. stores cookies with a maximum duration of about 730.49 Day(s) (63113904 Second(s)). This vendor also uses other methods like "local storage" to store and access information on your device.One or several of the vendor’s cookies listed below may be refreshed.
LiveIntent Inc.
Consent Purposes

    Select basic ads
    Measure ad performance

Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Select basic ads    _lc2_fpi    *    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _lc2_fpi    *    
Select basic ads    _lc2_fpi_exp    *    
Select basic ads    _li_dcdm_c    *    session
Select basic ads    lidid    *.liadm.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    _li_duid    *    
Select basic ads    _li_ss    *    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _li_ss    *    
Select basic ads    _li_ss__exp    *    
Select basic ads    _li_ci    *    5 Second(s)
Select basic ads    _li_ci    *    
Select basic ads    _li_ci__exp    *    
Select basic ads    _li_cim    *    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _li_cim    *    
Select basic ads    _li_cim__exp    *    
Select basic ads    _li_ld    *    30 Day(s)
Select basic ads    _li_ld    *    
Select basic ads    _li_ld__exp    *    
Select basic ads    _liChk    *    
Select basic ads    _liChk    *    
Select basic ads    tuuid    *.liadm.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    tuuid_lu    *.liadm.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    c    *.liadm.com    1 Year(s)
Select basic ads    bh2    *.liadm.com    5 Month(s)
Select basic ads    csrf    *.liadm.com    2 Hour(s)
Measure ad performance    _lc2_fpi    *    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _lc2_fpi    *    
Measure ad performance    _lc2_fpi_exp    *    
Measure ad performance    _li_dcdm_c    *    session
Measure ad performance    lidid    *.liadm.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    _li_duid    *    
Measure ad performance    _li_ss    *    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    _li_ss    *    
Measure ad performance    _li_ss__exp    *    
Measure ad performance    _li_ci    *    5 Second(s)
Measure ad performance    _li_ci    *    
Measure ad performance    _li_ci__exp    *    
Measure ad performance    _li_cim    *    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    _li_cim    *    
Measure ad performance    _li_cim__exp    *    
Measure ad performance    _li_ld    *    30 Day(s)
Measure ad performance    _li_ld    *    
Measure ad performance    _li_ld__exp    *    
Measure ad performance    _liChk    *    
Measure ad performance    _liChk    *    
Measure ad performance    tuuid    *.liadm.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    tuuid_lu    *.liadm.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    c    *.liadm.com    1 Year(s)
Measure ad performance    bh2    *.liadm.com    5 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    csrf    *.liadm.com    2 Hour(s)

Consent Purposes

    Select basic ads

• Receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification
Special Features
• Use precise geolocation data
Special Purposes
• Technically deliver ads or content
• Ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug
Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Select basic ads    smart_usr    *.shb-sync.com    11 Month(s)

152 Media LLC
Consent Purposes

    Measure ad performance

Cookie Information
Category    Cookie    Domain    Duration
Measure ad performance    vmuid    *.ortb.152media.info    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    a{id}    *.ortb.152media.info    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    p{id}    *.ortb.152media.info    2 Month(s)
Measure ad performance    e{id}    *.ortb.152media.info    2 Month(s)

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